
Found 242 results

Government Report
USDA.  2010.  USDA - Soybean Rust.
[Anonymous].  2009.  USDA - White-Nose Syndrome.
[Anonymous].  2007.  USDA, APHIS - CSFV.
[Anonymous].  2008.  USDA, APHIS - END.
[Anonymous].  2002.  USDA, APHIS - VEEV.
[Anonymous].  2009.  USFWS - White-nose syndrome.
[Anonymous].  2004.  USGS - Whirling Disease.
Conference Proceedings
Conference Paper
Katovich S.  2004.  Insects attacking black walnut in the midwestern United States. Black walnut in a new century, proceedings of the 6th Walnut Council research symposium.
Book Chapter
Pieterse AH, Verkleij JC, Borg ST.  1994.  Germination ecology of Striga and Orobanche. Biology and Management of Orobanche . :36-48.
Holm L, Doll J, Holm E, Pancho J, Herberger J.  1997.  Obligate Parasitic Weeds: Orobanche ramosa L. and Orobanche minor Sm.. In World Weeds: Natural Histories and Distribution. :511-530.