CISAC has compiled the list below of over 1,700 species known to be invasive in California or a potential threat for introduction to the state. Please use the comment form below to let us know about: taxa that should be added or removed; species information that you would change; and species that you think should be a high priority for having a scorecard completed (choose Review Scorecards to see the list of scorecards already drafted). Make sure to click Save. Previous comments are displayed at the bottom of the page.
Download Species List (.csv) (to open in a Spreadsheet program)
This data download is provided to aid in the review of the draft invasive species list. We discourage other use of this data until it has been revised and finalized.
Scientific Name |
Common Name![]() |
Type | Subtype | Extent | Risk of Introduction | First Source | |
Sorghum halepense | johnsongrass | plant | grass | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Aegilops cylindrica | jointed goatgrass | plant | grass | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Opuntia aurantiaca | jointed prickly pear | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Cortaderia jubata | jubatagrass | plant | grass | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Echinochloa colona | jungle rice | plant | grass | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Weeds of CA | |
Stenolechia bathrodyas | juniper gelechiid | arthropod | butterfly, moth | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA (reg. B) | |
Lophura leucomelana | Kalij pheasant | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | Harmful U.S. NIS | |
Acacia paradoxa | kangaroothorn | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Tilletia (neovossia) indica | Karnal bunt | disease | fungus | limited | n/a (already in CA) | EPPO | |
Birnaviridae | Kashmir Bee Virus | disease | virus | limited | n/a (already in CA) | APHIS OPIS | |
Poa pratensis | Kentucky bluegrass | plant | grass | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Trogoderma granarium | khapra beetle | arthropod | beetle | not present | moderate | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Pennisetum clandestinum | kikuyugrass | plant | grass | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | OR Weed List | |
Hieracium piloselloides | king devil hawkweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | MT Weed List | |
Potos flavus | Kinkajou | vertebrate | mammal | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | CDFA Vert List | |
Anolis equestris | Knight anole | vertebrate | reptile | not present | high | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Kochia scoparia | kochia | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Paspalum scrobiculatum | Kodo-millet | plant | grass | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Pueraria montana var. lobata | kudzu | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | OR Weed List | |
Pennisetum pedicellatum | Kyasumagrass | plant | grass | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Epilachna tridecimnotata | ladybird beetle | arthropod | beetle | not present | high | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Solanum lanceolatum | lanceleaf nightshade | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Ludwigia grandiflora | large flower primrose willow | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Anolis cybotes | Large-headed anole | vertebrate | reptile | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Prostephanus truncatus | larger grain borer | arthropod | beetle | not present | moderate | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Hypophthalmichthys harmandi | Largescale Carp | vertebrate | fish | not present | moderate | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Laspeyresia spp. | Laspeyresia spp. | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Phytophthora infestans | Late Blight | disease | oomycete | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | No list | |
Spodoptera latifascia | lateral lined armyworm | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | high | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Ophiostoma piceaperdum | Laural Wilt | disease | fungus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Raffaelea lauricola | Laurel Wilt Disease | disease | fungus | not present | moderate | National IS Info | |
Estrilda caerulescens | Lavender waxbill | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | Witmer et al | |
Spodoptera mauritia | lawn armyworm | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | high | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Soliva sessilis | lawnweed | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Chrysolina bankii | leaf beetle | arthropod | beetle | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA (reg. B) | |
Exosoma lusitanica | leaf beetle | arthropod | beetle | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Entyloma oryzae | Leaf Smut of rice | disease | fungus | not present | low | APHIS OPIS | |
Diaporthe mali | Leaf, Branch, and Fruit Disease | disease | fungus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | APHIS OPIS | |
Guignardia piricola | Leaf, Branch, and Fruit Disease | disease | fungus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | APHIS OPIS | |
Cerodontha iridophora | leafminer fly | arthropod | fly | not present | moderate | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Euphorbia esula | leafy spurge | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Mustela nivalis | Least weasel | vertebrate | mammal | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | Lacey Act | |
Acrolepia assectella | leek moth | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | moderate | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Acrolepiopsis assectella | leek moth | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Cardaria chalepensis | lens-podded white-top | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Zeuzera pyrina | leopard moth | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | high | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Leptographium procerum | Leptographium root disease | disease | fungus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Pinnaspis strachani | lesser snow scale | arthropod | scale, aphid | not present | high | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Helichrysum petiolare | licoriceplant | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Epiphyas postvittana | Light brown apple moth | arthropod | butterfly, moth | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Drymaria arenarioides | lightening weed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Eupteryx decemnotata | Ligurian leafhopper | arthropod | scale, aphid | limited | n/a (already in CA) | FL Dept. of Ag | |
Ligustrum Mosaic Agents | Ligustrum Mosaic Agents | disease | virus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | APHIS OPIS | |
Amazona finschi | Lilac-crowned parrot | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Begomovirus lgmv | Lima Bean Golden Mosaic Virus | disease | virus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | APHIS OPIS | |
Bigeminivirus lgmv | Lima Bean Golden Mosaic Virus | disease | virus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | APHIS OPIS | |
Darna pallivitta | limacodid moth | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | high | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Papilio demoleus | lime swallowtail | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | moderate | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Urochloa panicoides | liverseed grass | plant | grass | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Paratachardina pseudolobata | Lobate lac scale | arthropod | scale, aphid | not present | high | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Mimosa pellita | lollipop mimosa | plant | woody | not present | low | OR Weed List | |
Sisymbrium irio | London rocket | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Ehrharta longiflora | long-flowered veldtgrass | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Physalis longifolia | long-leaf groundcherry | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | CDFA | |
Lepstosteus lucius | Longnose Gar | vertebrate | fish | not present | high | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Lepisosteus osseus | Longnose Gar | vertebrate | fish | not present | moderate | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Agapornis spp. | Lovebird | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Nepovirus lasv | Lucerne Australian Symptomless Virus | disease | virus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | APHIS OPIS | |
Nucleorhabdovirus lev | Lucerne enation virus | disease | virus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | No list | |
Sminthurus viridus | lucerne flea | arthropod | springtail | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Nepovirus lalv | Lucerne Vein Yellowing Virus | disease | virus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | APHIS OPIS | |
Capripoxvirus lsd | Lumpy Skin Disease of Cattle | disease | virus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | Chavarria NRDC | |
Eriophyes litchii | lychee erinose mite | arthropod | mite | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Conopomorpha litchiella | lychee leaf miner | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | low | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Lyngbya spp. | Lyngbya spp. | plant | algae | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | Hoffman NOAA | |
Tranes internatus | macrozamia borer | arthropod | beetle | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA (reg. B) | |
Senecio madagascariensis | Madagascar ragwort | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli | magnolia white scale | arthropod | scale, aphid | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Sphenophorus maidis | maize billbug | arthropod | beetle | not present | moderate | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Tenuivirus mmcsv | Maize Mottle/Chlorotic Stunt Virus | disease | virus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | APHIS OPIS | |
Fijivirus mrdv | Maize Rough Dwarf Virus | disease | virus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | APHIS OPIS | |
Monogeminivirus msv | Maize Streak Virus | disease | virus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | APHIS OPIS | |
Phoma tracheiphila | Mal Secco | disease | fungus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | APHIS OPIS | |
Melastoma malabathricum | Malabar melastome | plant | woody | not present | low | APHIS | |
Plasmodium falciparum | Malaria | disease | protist | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | CIDRAP | |
Plasmodium knowlesi | Malaria | disease | protist | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | CIDRAP | |
Plasmodium malariae | Malaria | disease | protist | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | CIDRAP | |
Plasmodium ovale | Malaria | disease | protist | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | CIDRAP | |
Plasmodium vivax | Malaria | disease | protist | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | CIDRAP | |
Centaurea melitensis | Malta starthistle | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Ferrisia malvastra | malvastrum mealybug | arthropod | scale, aphid | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA (reg. B) | |
Aix galericulata | Mandarin duck | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Protaetia fusca | mango flower beetle | arthropod | beetle | not present | moderate | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Cryptorhynchus mangiferae | mango seed weevil | arthropod | beetle | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Sternochetus mangiferae | mango seed weevil | arthropod | beetle | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Mabuya multifasciata | Many-lined grass skink | vertebrate | reptile | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Maple Mosaic Agent | Maple Mosaic Agent | disease | virus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | APHIS OPIS | |
Maple Variegation Agent | Maple Variegation Agent | disease | virus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | APHIS OPIS | |
Candidatus fragariae | Marginal chlororsis | disease | bacterium | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | APHIS OPIS | |
Candidatus Phlomobacter fragariae | Marginal chlororsis | disease | bacterium | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | USDA Plant/Pest |