CISAC has compiled the list below of over 1,700 species known to be invasive in California or a potential threat for introduction to the state. Please use the comment form below to let us know about: taxa that should be added or removed; species information that you would change; and species that you think should be a high priority for having a scorecard completed (choose Review Scorecards to see the list of scorecards already drafted). Make sure to click Save. Previous comments are displayed at the bottom of the page.

Download Species List (.csv) (to open in a Spreadsheet program)
This data download is provided to aid in the review of the draft invasive species list. We discourage other use of this data until it has been revised and finalized.

Scientific Name Common Namesort icon Type Subtype Extent Risk of Introduction First Source
Cervus elaphus Wapiti vertebrate mammal VALUE REQUIRED n/a (already in CA) ISSG 100WorstIAS
Rhagoletis boycei walnut husk fly arthropod fly not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Rhagoletis juglandis walnut husk fly arthropod fly not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Rhagoletis suavis walnut husk fly arthropod fly not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Clarias batrachus Walking catfish vertebrate fish not present moderate Cal Code 14:671
Undaria pinnatifida wakame plant algae widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS) disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED No list
Novirhadovirus Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus (VHSV) Viral Hemorragic septicemia disease virus not present moderate National IS Info
Planococcus ficus vine mealybug arthropod scale, aphid limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Pittosporum undulatum Victorian box plant woody limited n/a (already in CA) Med. plants list
Aleurotubus jelinekii viburnum whitefly arthropod scale, aphid limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Cercopithecus aethiops Vervet monkey vertebrate mammal VALUE REQUIRED n/a (already in CA) FL FWCC NNS List
Graphocephala versuta versute sharpshooter arthropod scale, aphid limited moderate CDFA (reg. B)
Alphavirus veev Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus disease virus not present low NIAID
Abutilon theophrasti velvet leaf plant herbaceous widespread n/a (already in CA) Weeds of CA
Digitaria velutina velvet fingergrass plant grass not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Oodinium pilularis Velvet disease invertebrate nematode VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED No list
Veinal necrosis virus (PVYN) Veinal necrosis virus (PVYN) disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Chamaeleo calyptratus Veiled chameleon vertebrate reptile VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED FL FWCC NNS List
Oncobasidium theobromae Vascular Streak Die-back of cocoa disease fungus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Chalara australis Vascular stain fungus disease fungus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED USDA Plant/Pest
Varroa jacobsoni varroa mite arthropod mite widespread n/a (already in CA) USDA Plant/Pest
Parus varius Varied tit vertebrate bird VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Witmer et al
Cyperus difformis variable flatsedge plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) Weeds of CA
Parlatoria vandae vanda paralatoria scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Parlatoria pseudaspidiotus vand orchid scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Ludwigia hexapetala Uruguay water-primrose plant herbaceous widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Pulvinaria urbicola urban soft scale arthropod scale, aphid limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Proboscidea louisianica unicorn-plant plant herbaceous widespread n/a (already in CA) WA Weed List
Melampsora pinitorqua Twist Rust disease fungus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Solanum torvum turkeyberry plant woody not present low USDA Plant/Pest
Toumeyella liriodendri tuliptree scale arthropod scale, aphid limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Epitrix tuberis tuber flea beetle arthropod beetle widespread n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Solanum viarum tropical soda apple plant herbaceous not present low USDA Plant/Pest
Abgrallaspis palmae tropical palm scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Hemiberlesia palmae tropical palm scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Hemidactylus mabouia Tropical house gecko vertebrate reptile VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED FL FWCC NNS List
Solenopsis geminata tropical fire ant arthropod bee, wasp not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Ailanthus altissima tree-of-heaven plant woody widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Nicotiana glauca tree tobacco plant woody widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Solanum dimidiatum Torrey's nightshade plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA
Panicum repens torpedo grass plant grass limited n/a (already in CA) AZ Weed List
Euphorbia dentata toothed spurge plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) CO Weed List
Bactrocera facialis Tongan fruit fly arthropod fly not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Bunyavirus (TZSV) Tomato zonate spot virus (TZSV) disease virus not present low NISIC
Begomovirus (GEM2) Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus disease virus limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. A)
Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Sardinia Virus, TYLCSV Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Sardinia Virus disease virus not present VALUE REQUIRED No list
Begomovirus (ToTV) Tomato Torrado Virus (ToTV) disease virus not present moderate EPPO
Tospoviruses Tomato spot wilt virus disease virus limited VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Nepovirus tbrv Tomato Black Ring Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Gekko gecko Tokay gecko vertebrate reptile not present high Cal Code 14:671
Nepovirus trsv Tobacco Ringspot Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Acutaspis tingi ting scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Danothrips trifasciatus thrips arthropod thrips not present high CDFA (reg. B)
Haplothrips chinensis thrips arthropod thrips not present high USDA Plant/Pest
Ipomoea triloba three-cornered morning glory plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) AZ Weed List
Emex australis three-cornered jack plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) USDA Plant/Pest
Geosmithia sp. Thousand Cankers Disease Complex disease fungus unknown high National IS Info
Unknown pathogenic phytoplasma 11 Texas phoenix palm phytoplasma disease phytoplasma not present VALUE REQUIRED No list
Phrynosoma cornutum Texas horned lizard vertebrate reptile VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED FL FWCC NNS List
Eutetranychus banksi Texas citrus mite arthropod mite limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Mesolecanium nigrofasciatum terrapin scale arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Fiorinia theae tea scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Parlatoria theae complex tea paralatoria scale - species complex arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Onopordum tauricum Taurian thistle plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA
Dicistroviridae TSV Taura syndrome of shrimp; Infectious cuticular epithelial necrosis virus (ICENV) disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED No list
Eucalyptus globulus Tasmanian blue gum plant woody widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Senecio jacobaea tansy ragwort plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA
Verbena litoralis tall vervain plant herbaceous widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Festuca arundinacea tall fescue plant grass widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Ranunculus acris tall buttercup plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) MT Weed List
Diocalandra taitensis Tahitian coconut weevil arthropod beetle not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Zygophyllum fabago Syrian beancaper plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA
Utricularia inflata swollen bladderwort plant herbaceous not present moderate WA Weed List
Coronopus squamatus swinecress plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA
Enterovirus cv-b5 Swine Vesicular Disease disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED No list
Porcine herpesvirus 1 Swine pseudorabies disease virus not present VALUE REQUIRED Chavarria NRDC
Unknown pathogenic phytoplasma 10 Sweetpotato witches broom (little leaf) disease phytoplasma VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Cylas formicarius elegantulus sweetpotato weevil arthropod beetle not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Omphisa anastomosalis sweetpotato vine borer arthropod beetle not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Typophorus nigritus viridicyaneus sweetpotato leaf beetle arthropod beetle not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Crinivirus spcsv Sweetpotato Chlorotic Stunt Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED No list
Sweetpotato chlorotic stunt virus Sweetpotato chlorotic stunt virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Anthoxanthum odoratum sweet vernalgrass plant grass widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Elsinoe batatas sweet potato scab disease fungus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Pseudocercospora timorensis Sweet Potato leaf spot disease fungus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED USDA Plant/Pest
Elsinoe australis Sweet Orange Scab disease fungus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Diaspidiotus liquidambaris sweet gum scale arthropod scale, aphid limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Lobularia maritima sweet alyssum plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Ipomoea aquatica swamp morningglory plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) USDA Plant/Pest
Cervus duvauceli Swamp deer vertebrate mammal VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Witmer et al
Scrobipalpa ocellatella surgarbeet crown borer arthropod butterfly, moth not present low CDFA (reg. A)
Zygogramma exclamationis sunflower beetle arthropod beetle not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Adoxophyes orana summer Fruit Tortrix Moth arthropod butterfly, moth not present high USDA Plant/Pest
Cacatua galerita Sulphur-crested cockatoo vertebrate bird VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED FL FWCC NNS List
Potentilla recta sulfur cinquefoil plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA
Xanthomonas albilineans Sugarcane Wilt disease bacterium VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Neomaskellia bergii sugarcane whitefly arthropod scale, aphid not present high USDA Plant/Pest
Phytoplasma scwl Sugarcane White Leaf Phytoplasma disease phytoplasma VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Xanthomonas axonopodis vasculorum Sugarcane Gumming Disease disease bacterium VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS