CISAC has compiled the list below of over 1,700 species known to be invasive in California or a potential threat for introduction to the state. Please use the comment form below to let us know about: taxa that should be added or removed; species information that you would change; and species that you think should be a high priority for having a scorecard completed (choose Review Scorecards to see the list of scorecards already drafted). Make sure to click Save. Previous comments are displayed at the bottom of the page.
Download Species List (.csv) (to open in a Spreadsheet program)
This data download is provided to aid in the review of the draft invasive species list. We discourage other use of this data until it has been revised and finalized.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Type | Subtype |
Extent![]() |
Risk of Introduction | First Source | |
Python molurus | Burmese python | vertebrate | reptile | not present | moderate | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Nerodia rhombifer | Diamondback water snake | vertebrate | reptile | not present | high | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Boiga irregularis | Brown treesnake | vertebrate | reptile | not present | high | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Amia calva | Bowfin | vertebrate | fish | not present | high | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Serrasalminae | Piranha | vertebrate | fish | not present | high | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Clarias batrachus | Walking catfish | vertebrate | fish | not present | moderate | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Scardinius erythropthalmus | Rudd | vertebrate | fish | not present | high | Harmful U.S. NIS | |
Lepstosteus lucius | Longnose Gar | vertebrate | fish | not present | high | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Channa argus | Northern Snakehead | vertebrate | fish | not present | moderate | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Neogobius melanostomus | Round goby | vertebrate | fish | not present | moderate | NISIC | |
Gymnocephalus cernuus | Ruffe | vertebrate | fish | not present | moderate | Harmful U.S. NIS | |
Esox lucius | Northern Pike | vertebrate | fish | not present | high | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Aeginetia spp. | aeginetia | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Alectra spp. | alectra | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Allaria petiolata | garlic mustard | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | OR Weed List | |
Alternanthera sessilis | sessile joyweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Ambrosia tomentosa | skeletonleaf bursage | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | ID Weed List | |
Anthriscus sylvestris | wild chervil | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | WA Weed List | |
Azolla pinnata | mosquito fern | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Bryonia alba | white bryony | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Butomus umbellatus | flowering rush | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | WA Weed List | |
Carum carvi | wild caraway | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | CO Weed List | |
Centaurea macrocephala | bighead knapweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Chaenorhinum minus | dwarf snapdragon | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Chrysopogon aciculatus | pilipiliula | plant | grass | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Clematis orientalis | Chinese clematis | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | CO Weed List | |
Crassula helmsii | Australian swamp stonecrop | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | WA Weed List | |
Digitaria velutina | velvet fingergrass | plant | grass | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Dipsacus laciniatus | cutleaf teasel | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | CO Weed List | |
Eichhornia azurea | anchored water hyacinth | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Epilobium hirsutum | hairy willow herb | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | WA Weed List | |
Euryops multifidus | hawk's eye | plant | woody | not present | high | AZ Weed List | |
Galega officinalis | goatsrue | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Glossostigma diandrum | mud mat | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | WA Weed List | |
Hedera hibernica | English ivy | plant | woody | not present | high | WA Weed List | |
Heracleum mantegazzianum | giant hogweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | CDFA | |
Hieracium atratum | polar hawkweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | WA Weed List | |
Hieracium caespitosum | yellow hawkweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | ID Weed List | |
Hieracium glomeratum | queen devil hawkweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | WA Weed List | |
Hieracium laevigatum | smooth hawkweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | WA Weed List | |
Hieracium pilosella | mouseear hawkweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | OR Weed List | |
Hieracium piloselloides | king devil hawkweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | MT Weed List | |
Hieracium x floribundum | yellow devil hawkweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | MT Weed List | |
Homeria spp. | cape tulip | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Hydrocharis morsus-ranae | European frog-bit | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Hygrophila polysperma | Miramar weed | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | CDFA | |
Impatiens glandulifera | policeman's helmet | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | OR Weed List | |
Imperata brasiliensis | Brazilian satintail | plant | grass | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Imperata cylindrica | cogongrass | plant | grass | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Ischaemum rugosum | murainograss | plant | grass | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Lagarosiphon major | oxygenweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | CDFA | |
Leptochloa chinensis | Asian sprangletop | plant | grass | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Lepyrodiclis holosteoides | false jagged-chickweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | WA Weed List | |
Lespedeza cuneata | sericea lespedeza | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | CO Weed List | |
Limnophila sessiliflora | blume (ambulia) | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | CDFA | |
Ludwigia peruviana | water primrose | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | CDFA | |
Lythrum virgatum | purple loosestrife | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | MT Weed List | |
Melaleuca quinquenervia | broadleaf paper bard tree | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Melastoma malabathricum | Malabar melastome | plant | woody | not present | low | APHIS | |
Mikania cordata | mile-a-minute | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Mikania micrantha | bittervine | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Milium vernale | milium | plant | grass | not present | low | ID Weed List | |
Mimosa diplotricha | giant sensitive plant | plant | woody | not present | low | OR Weed List | |
Mimosa invisa | giant sensitive plant | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Mimosa pellita | lollipop mimosa | plant | woody | not present | low | OR Weed List | |
Mimosa pigra | catclaw mimosa | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Monochoria hastata | arrowleaf falsepickerelweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Murdannia keisak | marsh dew flower | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Myosoton aquaticum | giant chickweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | CDFA | |
Najas minor | slender-leaved naiad | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Nardus stricta | matgrass | plant | grass | not present | moderate | ID Weed List | |
Nassella trichotoma | serrated tussock | plant | grass | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Opuntia aurantiaca | jointed prickly pear | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Orobanche minor | small broomrape | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | OR Weed List | |
Oryza longistaminata | red rice | plant | grass | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Oryza punctata | red rice | plant | grass | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Paspalum scrobiculatum | Kodo-millet | plant | grass | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Pennisetum macrourum | African feathergrass | plant | grass | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Pennisetum pedicellatum | Kyasumagrass | plant | grass | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Pennisetum polystachion | missiongrass | plant | grass | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Picris hieracioides | hawkweed oxtongue | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Polygonum x bohemicum | Bohemian knotweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Pontederia cordata | pickerelweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | CDFA | |
Prosopis alpataco | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis argentina | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis articulata | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis burkartii | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis caldenia | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis calingastana | cusqui | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis campestris | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis castellanosii | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis denudans | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis elata | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis farcta | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis ferox | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis fiebrigii | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis hassleri | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis humilis | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis kuntzei | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis pallida | mesquite | plant | woody | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest |