CISAC has compiled the list below of over 1,700 species known to be invasive in California or a potential threat for introduction to the state. Please use the comment form below to let us know about: taxa that should be added or removed; species information that you would change; and species that you think should be a high priority for having a scorecard completed (choose Review Scorecards to see the list of scorecards already drafted). Make sure to click Save. Previous comments are displayed at the bottom of the page.
Download Species List (.csv) (to open in a Spreadsheet program)
This data download is provided to aid in the review of the draft invasive species list. We discourage other use of this data until it has been revised and finalized.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Type | Subtype | Extent |
Risk of Introduction![]() |
First Source | |
Oryctolagus cuniculus | European rabbit | vertebrate | mammal | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | Lacey Act | |
Spermophilus parryii | Arctic ground squirrel | vertebrate | mammal | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Witmer et al | |
Rattus norvegicus | Norway rat | vertebrate | mammal | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Rattus rattus | Ship rat | vertebrate | mammal | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Mus musculus | House mouse | vertebrate | mammal | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Castor canadensis | Beaver | vertebrate | mammal | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Myocastor coypus | Nutria | vertebrate | mammal | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Vulpes vulpes | Red Fox | vertebrate | mammal | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Mustela putorius | European polecat or ferret | vertebrate | mammal | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Felis catus | Feral cat | vertebrate | mammal | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Sus scrofa | Feral pig | vertebrate | mammal | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Cervus axis | Axis deer | vertebrate | mammal | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Cervus dama | Fallow deer | vertebrate | mammal | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Cervus elaphus | Wapiti | vertebrate | mammal | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | ISSG 100WorstIAS | |
Cervus unicolor | Sambar deer | vertebrate | mammal | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Hemitragus jemlahicus | Himalayan tahr | vertebrate | mammal | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | DFG Code 2118 | |
Capra hircus | Feral goat | vertebrate | mammal | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | ISSG 100WorstIAS | |
Cygnus olor | Mute swan | vertebrate | bird | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Alectoris chukar | Chukar partridge | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Phasianus colchicus | Common pheasant | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Pavo cristatus | Common peafowl | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Melagris gallopavo | Common turkey | vertebrate | bird | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Streptopelia chinensis | Spotted dove | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Myiopsitta monachus | Monk parakeet | vertebrate | bird | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Aratinga acuticaudata | Blue-crowned parakeet | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Aratinga mitrata | Mitered conure | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Nandayus nenday | Nanday conure | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Pycnonotus jocosus | Red-whiskered bulbul | vertebrate | bird | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA Vert List | |
Cardinalis cardinalis | Common cardinal | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | DFG Code 2118 | |
Passer domesticus | House sparrow | vertebrate | bird | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Sturnus vulgaris | European starling | vertebrate | bird | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Rana catesbeiana | American bullfrog | vertebrate | amphibian | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Xenopus laevis | African clawed frog | vertebrate | amphibian | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Trachemys scripta elegans | Red-eared slider | vertebrate | reptile | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Chrysemys picta | Painted turtle | vertebrate | reptile | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | DFG Code 2118 | |
Trionyx spiniferus | Spiny softshell | vertebrate | reptile | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | DFG Code 2118 | |
Boa constrictor | Common boa | vertebrate | reptile | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Artemisia absinthium | absinthe wormwood | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Carthamus oxyacantha | wild safflower | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Euphorbia cyparissias | cypress spurge | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Euphorbia myrsinites | myrtle spurge | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Fatoua villosa | hairy crabwees | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Ipomoea aquatica | swamp morningglory | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Lycium ferocissimum | African boxthorn | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Orobanche spp. | broomrape | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Panicum repens | torpedo grass | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | AZ Weed List | |
Salvinia biloba | giant salvinia | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Salvinia herzogii | giant salvinia | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Senna obtusifolia | sicklepod | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Sparganium erectum | exotic bur reed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Pasteurella multocida | Avian cholera | disease | bacterium | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Merck Vet Manual | |
Aphanomyces astaci | Crayfish plague | disease | fungus | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | ISSG Global InvS | |
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis | chytrid frog fungi | disease | fungus | limited | n/a (already in CA) | | |
Cronartium ribicola | White pine blister rust | disease | fungus | limited | n/a (already in CA) | | |
Erysiphe graminis | Cereal Mildew | disease | fungus | limited | n/a (already in CA) | APSNet | |
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum | Fusarium Wilt of Cotton | disease | fungus | limited | n/a (already in CA) | National IS Info | |
Puccinia striiformis | Wheat stripe rust | disease | fungus | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | National IS Info | |
Pyricularia grisea | Rice Blast | disease | fungus | limited | n/a (already in CA) | APSNet | |
Myxobolus (Lentospora) cerebralis | Protozoic Whirling disease | disease | parasitic animal | limited | n/a (already in CA) | National IS Info | |
Cuscuta spp. (C. japonica, reflexa, australia, monogyna) | Dodder (non-native spp.) | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Begomovirus (var.) | Begomovirus-caused diseases | disease | virus | limited | n/a (already in CA) | APHIS OPIS | |
Orbivirus btv | Bluetongue | disease | virus | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Iowa State Univ | |
Capillovirus CiTLV | Citrus tatter leaf capillovirus/Citrange stunt virus | disease | virus | limited | n/a (already in CA) | EPPO | |
Birnaviridae | Kashmir Bee Virus | disease | virus | limited | n/a (already in CA) | APHIS OPIS | |
Begomovirus (GEM2) | Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus | disease | virus | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Corbicula fluminalis | Corbicula fluminalis | invertebrate | aquatic mollusk, freshwater | limited | n/a (already in CA) | ANSTF | |
Beauveria spp. | Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) | disease | fungus | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | National IS Info | |
Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens | red brome | plant | grass | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Limnoria tripunctata | Mediterranean gribble | invertebrate | crustaceans and tunicates | limited | n/a (already in CA) | IMEAC | |
Limnoria quadripuncatata | Mediterranean gribble | invertebrate | crustaceans and tunicates | limited | n/a (already in CA) | IMEAC | |
mytilus galloprovincialis | Mediterranean blue mussel | invertebrate | aquatic mollusk, marine | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | IMEAC | |
Schizoporella unicornis | Single horn bryozoan | invertebrate | other | limited | n/a (already in CA) | IMEAC | |
Flavivirus 1 | Dengue Fever | disease | virus | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WHO | |
Molothrus ater | Brown-headed cowbird | vertebrate | bird | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Morone chrysops | White bass | vertebrate | fish | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Mephitis mephitis | Skunk | vertebrate | mammal | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Brevipalpus phoenicis | red and black flat mite | arthropod | mite | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CACASA | |
Euphorbia serrata | serrate spurge | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | CDFA | |
Halimodendron halodendron | Russian salttree | plant | woody | not present | moderate | CDFA | |
Salvia virgata | southern meadow sage | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | CDFA | |
Striga asiatica | witchweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | CDFA | |
Tagetes minuta | wild marigold | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | CDFA | |
Aphtae epizooticae | Hoof and mouth disease | disease | virus | not present | moderate | CDFA AHFSS | |
Avian Influenza A (H5N1) | Avian influenza | disease | virus | not present | moderate | CDFA report | |
Limnophila indica | ambulia | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | CDFA | |
Prosopis strombulifera | creeping mesquite | plant | woody | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Sargassum horneri | Asian seaweed | plant | algae | limited | moderate | Hoffman NOAA | |
Xylella fastidiosa | Pierce's Disease/grapevine | disease | bacterium | limited | moderate | CDFA PD/GWSS | |
Raffaelea lauricola | Laurel Wilt Disease | disease | fungus | not present | moderate | National IS Info | |
Carthamus leucocaulos | whitestem distaff thistle | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | CDFA | |
Physalis longifolia | long-leaf groundcherry | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | CDFA | |
Candidatus Liberibacter americanus | Huanglongbing disease of Citrus-Americas Strain | disease | bacterium | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Ceratocystis fagacearum | Oak wilt | disease | fungus | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici | Wheat stem rust (Uganda 99 strain)/Black rust | disease | fungus | not present | moderate | National IS Info | |
Potyviruses: Potyviridae | Plum pox | disease | virus | not present | moderate | APHIS OPIS | |
Drymaria arenarioides | lightening weed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Closterovirus CTV | Citrus tisteza virus | disease | virus | limited | moderate | APHIS OPIS | |
Crinivirus CYSDV | Cucurbit Yellow Stunting Disorder Virus | disease | virus | limited | moderate | EPPO | |
Acrobasis juglandis | pecan leaf casebearer | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | moderate | CDFA (reg. A) | |
Acrolepia assectella | leek moth | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | moderate | CDFA (reg. A) |