CISAC has compiled the list below of over 1,700 species known to be invasive in California or a potential threat for introduction to the state. Please use the comment form below to let us know about: taxa that should be added or removed; species information that you would change; and species that you think should be a high priority for having a scorecard completed (choose Review Scorecards to see the list of scorecards already drafted). Make sure to click Save. Previous comments are displayed at the bottom of the page.

Download Species List (.csv) (to open in a Spreadsheet program)
This data download is provided to aid in the review of the draft invasive species list. We discourage other use of this data until it has been revised and finalized.

Scientific Name Common Name Type Subtype Extent Risk of Introductionsort icon First Source
Selenaspidus articulatus rufous scale arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Sesamia cretica durra stalk borer arthropod butterfly, moth not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Singhiella simplex Fig whitefly arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate FL Dept. of Ag
Sirex noctilio sirex woodwasp arthropod bee, wasp not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Sogatodes orizicola rice delphacid arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Solenopsis saevissima red imported fire ant arthropod bee, wasp not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Sphenophorus maidis maize billbug arthropod beetle not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Sternochetus mangiferae mango seed weevil arthropod beetle not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Syngrapha epigaea inscribed looper moth arthropod butterfly, moth not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Thaumatotibia leucotreta False codling moth arthropod butterfly, moth not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Tildenia gudmannella pepper flower bud moth arthropod butterfly, moth not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Toxotrypana curvicauda papaya fruit fly arthropod fly not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Trioza tripunctata blackberry psyllid arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Trogoderma granarium khapra beetle arthropod beetle not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Typophorus nigritus viridicyaneus sweetpotato leaf beetle arthropod beetle not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Unaspis citri citrus snow scale arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Velataspis dentata dentate scale arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Xyleborus spp. ambrosia beetles arthropod beetle not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Zeiraphera canadensis spruce budworm arthropod butterfly, moth not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Zonosemata electa pepper maggot arthropod fly not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Zophodia convolutella gooseberry fruitworm arthropod butterfly, moth not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Zygogramma exclamationis sunflower beetle arthropod beetle not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Meriones unguiculatus Mongolian gerbil vertebrate mammal not present moderate CDFA Vert List
Glandirana rugosa Japanese wrinkled frog vertebrate amphibian not present moderate Witmer et al
Chelydra serpentine Snapping turtle vertebrate reptile not present moderate Cal Code 14:671
Ctenosaura pectinata Mexican spinytail iguana vertebrate reptile not present moderate Cal Code 14:671
Varanus niloticus Nile monitor vertebrate reptile not present moderate Cal Code 14:671
Python molurus Burmese python vertebrate reptile not present moderate Cal Code 14:671
Clarias batrachus Walking catfish vertebrate fish not present moderate Cal Code 14:671
Channa argus Northern Snakehead vertebrate fish not present moderate Cal Code 14:671
Neogobius melanostomus Round goby vertebrate fish not present moderate NISIC
Gymnocephalus cernuus Ruffe vertebrate fish not present moderate Harmful U.S. NIS
Aeginetia spp. aeginetia plant herbaceous not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Alectra spp. alectra plant herbaceous not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Alternanthera sessilis sessile joyweed plant herbaceous not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Azolla pinnata mosquito fern plant herbaceous not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Bryonia alba white bryony plant herbaceous not present moderate WA Weed List
Centaurea macrocephala bighead knapweed plant herbaceous not present moderate WA Weed List
Chaenorhinum minus dwarf snapdragon plant herbaceous not present moderate WA Weed List
Digitaria velutina velvet fingergrass plant grass not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Galega officinalis goatsrue plant herbaceous not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Hieracium pilosella mouseear hawkweed plant herbaceous not present moderate OR Weed List
Hieracium piloselloides king devil hawkweed plant herbaceous not present moderate MT Weed List
Hieracium x floribundum yellow devil hawkweed plant herbaceous not present moderate MT Weed List
Hydrocharis morsus-ranae European frog-bit plant herbaceous not present moderate WA Weed List
Impatiens glandulifera policeman's helmet plant herbaceous not present moderate OR Weed List
Imperata cylindrica cogongrass plant grass not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Lagarosiphon major oxygenweed plant herbaceous not present moderate CDFA
Leptochloa chinensis Asian sprangletop plant grass not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Lespedeza cuneata sericea lespedeza plant herbaceous not present moderate CO Weed List
Limnophila sessiliflora blume (ambulia) plant herbaceous not present moderate CDFA
Ludwigia peruviana water primrose plant herbaceous not present moderate CDFA
Murdannia keisak marsh dew flower plant herbaceous not present moderate WA Weed List
Myosoton aquaticum giant chickweed plant herbaceous not present moderate CDFA
Najas minor slender-leaved naiad plant herbaceous not present moderate WA Weed List
Nardus stricta matgrass plant grass not present moderate ID Weed List
Oryza longistaminata red rice plant grass not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Oryza punctata red rice plant grass not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Picris hieracioides hawkweed oxtongue plant herbaceous not present moderate WA Weed List
Polygonum x bohemicum Bohemian knotweed plant herbaceous not present moderate WA Weed List
Pontederia cordata pickerelweed plant herbaceous not present moderate CDFA
Pueraria montana var. lobata kudzu plant herbaceous not present moderate OR Weed List
Rottboellia cochinchinensis itchgrass plant grass not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Salvia pratensis meadow clary plant herbaceous not present moderate WA Weed List
Salvia sclarea clary sage plant herbaceous not present moderate WA Weed List
Senecio madagascariensis Madagascar ragwort plant herbaceous not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Setaria pumila ssp. pallidefusca cattail grass plant grass not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Sorghum almum Columbus grass plant grass not present moderate NV Weed List
Thymelaea passerina spurge flax plant herbaceous not present moderate WA Weed List
Trapa natans water-chestnut plant herbaceous not present moderate AZ Weed List
Tussilago farfara coltsfoot plant herbaceous not present moderate OR Weed List
Utricularia inflata swollen bladderwort plant herbaceous not present moderate WA Weed List
Bacillus anthracis Anthrax disease bacterium not present moderate CDFA AHFSS
Ehrlichia ruminantium Heartwater; cowdriosis disease bacterium not present moderate Merck Vet Manual
Xylophilus ampelinus (Xanthomonas ampelina) Grapevine Bacterial Blight disease bacterium not present moderate EPPO
Acremonium (Cephalosporium) diospyri Persimmon Wilt disease fungus not present moderate
Discula destructiva Dogwood Anthracnose disease fungus not present moderate ISSG Global InvS
Ophiostoma valdivianum Blue Stain of Beech disease fungus not present moderate ForestPathology
Phomopsis vaccinii Phomopsis soft rot disease fungus not present moderate Mycologia
Sclerophthora rayssiae var. zeae Brown Stripe Downy Mildew of Maize disease fungus not present moderate APHIS OPIS
Tilletia tritici (caries) Wheat smut disease fungus not present moderate EPPO
Phytophthora alni Alder Phytophthora disease oomycete not present moderate APHIS OPIS
Unknown pathogenic virus or prion 2 Chronic Wasting Disease (Cervids) disease unknown not present moderate CDFA AHFSS
Avulavirus ndv Exotic Newcastle Disease disease virus not present moderate CDFA AHFSS
Carlavirus Blueberry Scorch carlavirus disease virus not present moderate EPPO
Anomala sulcatula Anomala sulcatula arthropod beetle not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Megalometis chilensis Megalometis chilensis arthropod beetle not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Digitaria abyssinica Digitaria abyssinica plant grass not present moderate OR Weed List
Dickeya solani Black leg disease of potato disease bacterium not present moderate EPPO
Begomovirus (ToTV) Tomato Torrado Virus (ToTV) disease virus not present moderate EPPO
Hypophthalmichthys harmandi Largescale Carp vertebrate fish not present moderate Cal Code 14:671
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Silver Carp vertebrate fish not present moderate Cal Code 14:671
Lepisosteus osseus Longnose Gar vertebrate fish not present moderate Cal Code 14:671
Novirhadovirus Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus (VHSV) Viral Hemorragic septicemia disease virus not present moderate National IS Info
Alyssum murale yellowtuft plant herbaceous not present moderate OR Weed List
Alyssum corsicum yellowtuft plant herbaceous not present moderate OR Weed List
Salsola vermiculata wormleaf salsola plant herbaceous not present low CDFA
Senecio squalidus Oxford ragwort plant herbaceous not present low CDFA
Solanum cardiophyllum heartleaf nightshade plant herbaceous not present low CDFA
Cirsium japonicum Japanese thistle plant herbaceous not present low CDFA