CISAC has compiled the list below of over 1,700 species known to be invasive in California or a potential threat for introduction to the state. Please use the comment form below to let us know about: taxa that should be added or removed; species information that you would change; and species that you think should be a high priority for having a scorecard completed (choose Review Scorecards to see the list of scorecards already drafted). Make sure to click Save. Previous comments are displayed at the bottom of the page.
Download Species List (.csv) (to open in a Spreadsheet program)
This data download is provided to aid in the review of the draft invasive species list. We discourage other use of this data until it has been revised and finalized.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Type | Subtype | Extent | Risk of Introduction |
First Source![]() |
Solanum nigrum | black nightshade | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Weeds of CA | |
Solanum physalifolium | hoe nightshade | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Weeds of CA | |
Sonchus oleraceaus | common sowthistle | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Weeds of CA | |
Stellaria media | common chickweed | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Weeds of CA | |
Vicia sativa | garden vetch | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Weeds of CA | |
Vicia villosa | hairy vetch | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Weeds of CA | |
Daucus carota | wild carrot | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Proboscidea louisianica | unicorn-plant | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Soliva sessilis | lawnweed | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Sorghum halepense | johnsongrass | plant | grass | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Cuscuta approximata | smoothseed alfalfa dodder | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Aegilops cylindrica | jointed goatgrass | plant | grass | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Alopecurus myosuroides | blackgrass | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Anchusa arvensis | annual bugloss | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Centaurea nigra | black knapweed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Hieracium aurantiacum | orange hawkweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | WA Weed List | |
Nymphaea odorata | fragrant waterlily | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Secale cereale | cereal rye | plant | grass | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Echium vulgare | common viper's bugloss | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | WA Weed List | |
Mirabilis nyctaginea | wild four o-clock | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Amorpha fruticosa | indigobush | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Centaurea jacea | brown knapweed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Ludwigia grandiflora | large flower primrose willow | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Lysimachia vulgaris | garden loosestrife | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | WA Weed List | |
Phalaris arundinacea | reed canarygrass | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Silene latifolia ssp. alba | bladder campion | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Anthriscus sylvestris | wild chervil | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | WA Weed List | |
Bryonia alba | white bryony | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Butomus umbellatus | flowering rush | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | WA Weed List | |
Centaurea macrocephala | bighead knapweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Chaenorhinum minus | dwarf snapdragon | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Crassula helmsii | Australian swamp stonecrop | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | WA Weed List | |
Epilobium hirsutum | hairy willow herb | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | WA Weed List | |
Glossostigma diandrum | mud mat | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | WA Weed List | |
Hedera hibernica | English ivy | plant | woody | not present | high | WA Weed List | |
Hieracium atratum | polar hawkweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | WA Weed List | |
Hieracium glomeratum | queen devil hawkweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | WA Weed List | |
Hieracium laevigatum | smooth hawkweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | WA Weed List | |
Hydrocharis morsus-ranae | European frog-bit | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Lepyrodiclis holosteoides | false jagged-chickweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | WA Weed List | |
Murdannia keisak | marsh dew flower | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Najas minor | slender-leaved naiad | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Picris hieracioides | hawkweed oxtongue | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Polygonum x bohemicum | Bohemian knotweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Sagittaria graminea | grass-leaved arrowhead | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | WA Weed List | |
Salvia pratensis | meadow clary | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Salvia sclarea | clary sage | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Thymelaea passerina | spurge flax | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Trapa bicornis | water caltrap | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | WA Weed List | |
Utricularia inflata | swollen bladderwort | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | WA Weed List | |
Xanthomonas anoxopodis pv. citri | Citrus Canker | disease | bacterium | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis velutina | mesquite | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Commelina benghalensis | Benghal dayflower | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Monochoria vaginalis | heartshape false pickerelweed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Prosopis strombulifera | creeping mesquite | plant | woody | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Salvinia auriculata | giant salvinia | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Emex australis | three-cornered jack | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Ottelia alismoides | ducklettuce | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Candidatus Liberibacter africanus | Huanglongbing disease of citrus-African strain | disease | bacterium | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Candidatus Liberibacter americanus | Huanglongbing disease of Citrus-Americas Strain | disease | bacterium | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus | Huanglongbing disease of Citrus-Asian Strain | disease | bacterium | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Ceratocystis fagacearum | Oak wilt | disease | fungus | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Drymaria arenarioides | lightening weed | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Acarapis woodi | honey bee tracheal mite | arthropod | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | USDA Plant/Pest | ||
Acrolepiopsis assectella | leek moth | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Adoxophyes orana | summer Fruit Tortrix Moth | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Amphitetranychus viennensis | fruit tree spider mite | arthropod | mite | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Anastrepha grandis | South American cucurbit fruit fly | arthropod | fly | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Apis mellifera capensis | Cape honeybee | arthropod | bee, wasp | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Apis mellifera scutellata | Africanized honeybee | arthropod | bee, wasp | limited | n/a (already in CA) | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Argyrotaenia pulchellana | grey red-barred twist | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Brachycerus spp. | garlic beetles | arthropod | beetle | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Brevipalpus chilensis | false grape mite | arthropod | mite | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Carposina niponensis | peach fruit moth | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Chrysis spp. | cuckoo wasps | arthropod | bee, wasp | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Coelioxys spp. | cuckoo bees | arthropod | bee, wasp | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Conogethes punctiferalis | yellow peach moth | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Conopomorpha cramerella | cocoa pod borer | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Conotrachelus aguacatae | small avocado seed weevil | arthropod | beetle | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Conotrachelus spp. | hidden snout weevils | arthropod | beetle | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Copturus aguacatae | avocado stem weevil | arthropod | beetle | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Cryptorhynchus mangiferae | mango seed weevil | arthropod | beetle | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Curculio elephas | chestnut weevil | arthropod | beetle | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Curculio nucum | hazelnut weevil | arthropod | beetle | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Cydia funebrana | red plum maggot | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Dryocosmus kuriphilus | chestnut gall wasp | arthropod | bee, wasp | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Dyspessa ulula | onion carpenter worm | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Earias fabia | spotted bollworm | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Elytroteinus subtruncatus | Fijian ginger weevil | arthropod | beetle | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Eriophyes gossypii | cotton blister mite | arthropod | mite | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Eriophyes litchii | lychee erinose mite | arthropod | mite | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Euscepes postfasciatus | Indian sweetpotato weevil | arthropod | beetle | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Exosoma lusitanica | leaf beetle | arthropod | beetle | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Furcaspis oceanica | coconut red scale | arthropod | scale, aphid | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Haplothrips chinensis | thrips | arthropod | thrips | not present | high | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Hemimene juliana | nut fruit tortrix | arthropod | butterfly, moth | not present | low | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Holotrichia mindanaona | white grub | arthropod | beetle | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Hypothenemus hampei | coffee berry borer | arthropod | beetle | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Icerya aegyptiaca | Egyptian fluted scale | arthropod | scale, aphid | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Leptocorisa acuta | rice seed bug | arthropod | scale, aphid | not present | moderate | USDA Plant/Pest |