CISAC has compiled the list below of over 1,700 species known to be invasive in California or a potential threat for introduction to the state. Please use the comment form below to let us know about: taxa that should be added or removed; species information that you would change; and species that you think should be a high priority for having a scorecard completed (choose Review Scorecards to see the list of scorecards already drafted). Make sure to click Save. Previous comments are displayed at the bottom of the page.
Download Species List (.csv) (to open in a Spreadsheet program)
This data download is provided to aid in the review of the draft invasive species list. We discourage other use of this data until it has been revised and finalized.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Type | Subtype | Extent | Risk of Introduction |
First Source![]() |
Plasmodium ovale | Malaria | disease | protist | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | CIDRAP | |
Plasmodium relictum | Avian malaria | disease | protist | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | CIDRAP | |
Plasmodium vivax | Malaria | disease | protist | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | CIDRAP | |
Flavivirus 3 | Yellow Fever | disease | virus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | CIDRAP | |
Flavivirus jev | Japanese Encephalitis Virus | disease | virus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | CIDRAP | |
Phlebovirus rvfv | Rift Valley Fever | disease | virus | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | CIDRAP | |
Arctium minus | common burdock | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Anoda cristata | spurred anoda | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Anthemis cotula | mayweed chamomile | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Cichorium intybus | chicory | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Hypochaeris glabra | smooth catsear | plant | herbaceous | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Panicum miliaceum | wild proso millet | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Verbascum blattaria | moth mullein | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Anthemis arvensis | scentless chamomile | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Euphorbia dentata | toothed spurge | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Hesperis matronalis | dame's rocket | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Tamarix chinensis | salt cedar | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Artemisia absinthium | absinthe wormwood | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Carum carvi | wild caraway | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | CO Weed List | |
Clematis orientalis | Chinese clematis | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | CO Weed List | |
Dipsacus laciniatus | cutleaf teasel | plant | herbaceous | not present | high | CO Weed List | |
Euphorbia cyparissias | cypress spurge | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Euphorbia myrsinites | myrtle spurge | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Lespedeza cuneata | sericea lespedeza | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | CO Weed List | |
Tripleurospermum perforatum | scentless false mayweed | plant | herbaceous | not present | low | CO Weed List | |
Didelphis marsupialis | Opossum | vertebrate | mammal | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | DFG Code 2118 | |
Hemitragus jemlahicus | Himalayan tahr | vertebrate | mammal | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | DFG Code 2118 | |
Cardinalis cardinalis | Common cardinal | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | DFG Code 2118 | |
Rana berlandieri | Rio Grande leopard frog | vertebrate | amphibian | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | DFG Code 2118 | |
Chrysemys picta | Painted turtle | vertebrate | reptile | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | DFG Code 2118 | |
Trionyx spiniferus | Spiny softshell | vertebrate | reptile | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | DFG Code 2118 | |
Agkistrodon spp. | Copperhead snake | vertebrate | reptile | not present | low | DFG Code 2118 | |
Birnaviridae fam: unknown | Citrus Chlorotic Dwarf Virus | disease | virus | not present | low | EFSA | |
Badnavirus cymvr | Citrus yellow mosaic virus | disease | virus | not present | low | EFSA | |
Synchytrium endobioticum | Potato Wart/Select Agent | disease | fungus | not present | low | EPPO | |
Tilletia (neovossia) indica | Karnal bunt | disease | fungus | limited | n/a (already in CA) | EPPO | |
Crinivirus CYSDV | Cucurbit Yellow Stunting Disorder Virus | disease | virus | limited | moderate | EPPO | |
Xylophilus ampelinus (Xanthomonas ampelina) | Grapevine Bacterial Blight | disease | bacterium | not present | moderate | EPPO | |
Thecaphora (Angiosorus) solani | Potato smut | disease | fungus | not present | low | EPPO | |
Tilletia tritici (caries) | Wheat smut | disease | fungus | not present | moderate | EPPO | |
Carlavirus | Blueberry Scorch carlavirus | disease | virus | not present | moderate | EPPO | |
Capillovirus CiTLV | Citrus tatter leaf capillovirus/Citrange stunt virus | disease | virus | limited | n/a (already in CA) | EPPO | |
Dickeya solani | Black leg disease of potato | disease | bacterium | not present | moderate | EPPO | |
Begomovirus (ToTV) | Tomato Torrado Virus (ToTV) | disease | virus | not present | moderate | EPPO | |
Busycotypus canaliculatus | Channeled whelk | invertebrate | aquatic mollusk, marine | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Ilynassa obsoleta | Eastern mudsnail | invertebrate | aquatic mollusk, marine | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Littorina saxatilis | Rough periwinkle | invertebrate | aquatic mollusk, marine | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Myosotella myosotis | Mouse-ear marshsnail | invertebrate | aquatic mollusk, marine | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Urosalpinx cinerea | Atlantic oyster drill | invertebrate | aquatic mollusk, marine | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Geukensia demissa | Ribbed horsemussel | invertebrate | aquatic mollusk, marine | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Musculista senhousia | Green bagmussel | invertebrate | aquatic mollusk, marine | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Mya arenaria | Soft-shell clam | invertebrate | aquatic mollusk, marine | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Corbula amurensis | Overbite clam | invertebrate | aquatic mollusk, marine | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Venerupsis phillipinarus | Japanese littleneck clam | invertebrate | aquatic mollusk, marine | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Botrylloides violaceus | Chain sea squirt | invertebrate | crustaceans and tunicates | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Didemnum vexillum | Sea squirt | invertebrate | crustaceans and tunicates | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Styela clava | Club sea squirt | invertebrate | crustaceans and tunicates | widespread | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Botryllus schlosseri | Star sea squirt | invertebrate | crustaceans and tunicates | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Balanus amphitrite | Striped barnacle | invertebrate | crustaceans and tunicates | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Bugula neritina | Moss animal | invertebrate | other | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Cryptosula pallasiana | Moss animal | invertebrate | other | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Watersipora subtorquata | Moss animal | invertebrate | other | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Clathria polifera | Red beard sponge | invertebrate | other | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Diadumene lineata | Orange-stripped anemone | invertebrate | other | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Ficopomatus enigmaticus | Sea worms | invertebrate | other | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Exoticsguide | |
Eupteryx decemnotata | Ligurian leafhopper | arthropod | scale, aphid | limited | n/a (already in CA) | FL Dept. of Ag | |
Singhiella simplex | Fig whitefly | arthropod | scale, aphid | not present | moderate | FL Dept. of Ag | |
Quadrastichus erythrinae | Erythrnia gall wasp | arthropod | bee, wasp | not present | high | FL Dept. of Ag | |
Saimiri sciureus | Squirrel monkey | vertebrate | mammal | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Cercopithecus aethiops | Vervet monkey | vertebrate | mammal | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Macaca mulatto | Rhesus monkey | vertebrate | mammal | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Molossus molossus | Pallas’s mastiff bat | vertebrate | mammal | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Sciurus aureogaster | Mexican red-bellied squirrel | vertebrate | mammal | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Cervus unicolor | Sambar deer | vertebrate | mammal | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Aix galericulata | Mandarin duck | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Callipepla squamata | Scaled quail | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Alectoris chukar | Chukar partridge | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Francolinus francolinus | Black francolin | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Gallus gallus | Red jungle fowl | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Phasianus colchicus | Common pheasant | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Numida meleagris | Helmeted guineafowl | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Pavo cristatus | Common peafowl | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Streptopelia chinensis | Spotted dove | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Psittacula krameri | Ring-necked parakeet | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Brotogeris versicolurus | Canary-winged parakeet | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Aratinga acuticaudata | Blue-crowned parakeet | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Melopsittacus undulatus | Budgerigar | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Amazona viridigenalis | Green-cheeked Amazon | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Amazona ochrocephula | Yellow-crowned Amazon | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Amazona oratrix | Yellow-headed Amazon | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Amazona aestiva | Blue-fronted Amazon | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Amazona finschi | Lilac-crowned parrot | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Poicephalus senegalus | Senegal parrot | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Aratinga pertinax | Brown-throated conure | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Aratinga mitrata | Mitered conure | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Nandayus nenday | Nanday conure | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | n/a (already in CA) | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Agapornis spp. | Lovebird | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Nymphicus hollandicus | Cockatiel | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Cacatua galerita | Sulphur-crested cockatoo | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List | |
Cacatua alba | White-crested cockatoo | vertebrate | bird | VALUE REQUIRED | VALUE REQUIRED | FL FWCC NNS List |