CISAC has compiled the list below of over 1,700 species known to be invasive in California or a potential threat for introduction to the state. Please use the comment form below to let us know about: taxa that should be added or removed; species information that you would change; and species that you think should be a high priority for having a scorecard completed (choose Review Scorecards to see the list of scorecards already drafted). Make sure to click Save. Previous comments are displayed at the bottom of the page.
Download Species List (.csv) (to open in a Spreadsheet program)
This data download is provided to aid in the review of the draft invasive species list. We discourage other use of this data until it has been revised and finalized.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Type | Subtype |
Extent![]() |
Risk of Introduction | First Source | |
Porphyrio porphyrio | Purple Swamphen | vertebrate | bird | not present | high | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Threskiornis aetheopicus | Sacred Ibis | vertebrate | bird | not present | high | Cal Code 14:671 | |
Novirhadovirus Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus (VHSV) | Viral Hemorragic septicemia | disease | virus | not present | moderate | National IS Info | |
Alyssum murale | yellowtuft | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | OR Weed List | |
Alyssum corsicum | yellowtuft | plant | herbaceous | not present | moderate | OR Weed List | |
Phragmites australis | common reed | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Zygophyllum fabago | Syrian beancaper | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Arctium minus | common burdock | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Oryza rufipogon | red rice | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Caulerpa taxifolia | Mediterranean strain | plant | algae | limited | high | OR Weed List | |
Helianthus ciliaris | blueweed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Scolymus hispanicus | golden thistle | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Solanum dimidiatum | Torrey's nightshade | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Solanum marginatum | white-margined nightshade | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Sonchus arvensis | perennial sowthistle | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Sphaerophysa salsula | Austrian peaweed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Ageratina adenophora | croftonweed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Agrostis avenacea | Pacific bentgrass | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Agrostis stolonifera | creeping bentgrass | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Anoda cristata | spurred anoda | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Arctotheca calendula (sterile) | sterile capeweed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Bassia hyssopifolia | fivehook bassia | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Bellardia trixago | bellardia | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Brassica tournefortii | Saharan mustard | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Cabomba caroliniana | Carolina fanwort | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Cardaria pubescens | hairy whitetop | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Centaurea debeauxii | meadow knapweed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Centaurea diffusa | diffuse knapweed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Centaurea virgata ssp. Squarrosa | squarrose knapweed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Chrysanthemum coronarium | crown daisy | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Conicosia pugioniformis | narrowleaf iceplant | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Cotoneaster franchetii | orange cotoneaster | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Cotoneaster lacteus | Parney's cotoneaster | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Cotoneaster pannosus | silverleaf cotoneaster | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Crataegus monogyna | hawthorn | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Cynoglossum officinale | houndstongue | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Cyperus difformis | variable flatsedge | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Weeds of CA | |
Cytisus striatus | Portuguese broom | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Descurainia sophia | flixweed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Digitalis purpurea | foxglove | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Echinochloa oryzicola | early watergrass | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Weeds of CA | |
Echinochloa phyllopogon | rice barnyardgrass | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Weeds of CA | |
Echium candicans | pride-of-Madeira | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Ehrharta erecta | erect veldtgrass | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Elaeagnus angustifolia | Russian-olive | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Emex spinosa | devil's-thorn | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Erechtites glomerata | Australian fireweed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Erechtites minima | Australian fireweed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Gaura sinuata | wavy-leaved gaura | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Glyceria declinata | waxy mannagrass | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Linaria vulgaris | yellow toadflax | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Lobularia maritima | sweet alyssum | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Lythrum salicaria | purple loosestrife | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Myoporum laetum | myoporum | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Myosotis latifolia | common forget-me-not | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Myriophyllum aquaticum | parrotfeather | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Olea europaea | olive | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Onopordum acanthium | Scotch thistle | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Panicum miliaceum | wild proso millet | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Parentucellia viscosa | yellow glandweed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Phoenix canariensis | Canary Island date palm | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | No list | |
Polygonum cuspidatum | Japanese knotweed | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Prosopis velutina | mesquite | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | USDA Plant/Pest | |
Pyracantha angustifolia | pyracantha | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Retama monosperma | bridal broom | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Robinia pseudoacacia | black locust | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Salsola soda | oppositeleaf Russian thistle | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Saponaria officinalis | bouncingbet | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Schinus molle | Peruvian peppertree | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Schinus terebinthifolius | Brazilian peppertree | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Sesbania punicea | red sesbania | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Solanum rostratum | buffalobur | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | ID Weed List | |
Sorghum bicolor | perennial sweet Sudan | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | NV Weed List | |
Spartina alterniflora | smooth cordgrass and hybrids | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Spartina alterniflora x foliosa hybrids | smooth cordgrass and hybrids | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Spartina densiflora | dense-flowered cordgrass | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Tamarix aphylla | athel tamarisk | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Tanacetum vulgare | common tansy | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Ulex europaeus | gorse | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Verbascum blattaria | moth mullein | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CO Weed List | |
Washingtonia robusta | Mexican fan palm | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Zantedeschia aethiopica | calla lily | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Cuscuta approximata | smoothseed alfalfa dodder | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Acacia dealbata | silver wattle | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Acacia melanoxylon | black acacia | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Acacia paradoxa | kangaroothorn | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Acaena novae-zelandiae | biddy-biddy | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Acaena pallida | pale biddy-biddy | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Achnatherum brachychaetum | punagrass | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Aegilops ovata | ovate goatgrass | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Aeschynomene rudis | rough jointvetch | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Albizia lophantha | plume acacia | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Alhagi maurorum | camelthorn | plant | woody | limited | n/a (already in CA) | NV Weed List | |
Allium paniculatum | panicled onion | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Allium vineale | wild garlic | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Alopecurus myosuroides | blackgrass | plant | grass | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Alternanthera philoxeroides | alligator weed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | Cal-IPC list | |
Ambrosia trifida | giant ragweed | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | CDFA | |
Anchusa arvensis | annual bugloss | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | WA Weed List | |
Anchusa officinalis | common bugloss | plant | herbaceous | limited | n/a (already in CA) | OR Weed List |