CISAC has compiled the list below of over 1,700 species known to be invasive in California or a potential threat for introduction to the state. Please use the comment form below to let us know about: taxa that should be added or removed; species information that you would change; and species that you think should be a high priority for having a scorecard completed (choose Review Scorecards to see the list of scorecards already drafted). Make sure to click Save. Previous comments are displayed at the bottom of the page.

Download Species List (.csv) (to open in a Spreadsheet program)
This data download is provided to aid in the review of the draft invasive species list. We discourage other use of this data until it has been revised and finalized.

Scientific Name Common Namesort icon Type Subtype Extent Risk of Introduction First Source
Sargassum horneri Asian seaweed plant algae limited moderate Hoffman NOAA
Grateloupia turuturu Asian red seaweed plant algae VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Hoffman NOAA
Anoplophora glabripennis Asian longhorned beetle arthropod beetle not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Hemidactylus platyurus Asian flat-tailed gecko vertebrate reptile VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Witmer et al
Corbicula fluminea Asian clam invertebrate aquatic mollusk, freshwater widespread n/a (already in CA) ANSTF
Diaphorina citri Asian citrus psyllid arthropod scale, aphid limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. A)
Xyleborinus andrewesi Asian ambrosia beetle arthropod beetle not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Sphaerodactylus elegans Ashy gecko vertebrate reptile VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED FL FWCC NNS List
Ganoderma mastoporum Artist Conk disease fungus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED USDA Plant/Pest
Cynara cardunculus artichoke thistle plant herbaceous widespread n/a (already in CA) CDFA
Nepovirus ailv Artichoke Italian Latent Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Monochoria hastata arrowleaf falsepickerelweed plant herbaceous not present low USDA Plant/Pest
Sagittaria sagittifolia arrowhead plant herbaceous not present low USDA Plant/Pest
Nepovirus avb Arracacha Virus B disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Spodoptera dolichos armyworm arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Abgrallaspis aguacatae armored scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Dinaspis aculeata armored scale arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Mycetaspis spaerioides armored scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Armillaria limonea Armillaria Root Disease disease fungus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED USDA Plant/Pest
Armillaria novae-zelandiae Armillaria Root Disease disease fungus not present low
Chelymorpha cassidea argus tortoise beetle arthropod beetle limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Tupinambis merianae Argentina giant tegu vertebrate reptile not present high Cal Code 14:671
Spermophilus parryii Arctic ground squirrel vertebrate mammal widespread n/a (already in CA) Witmer et al
Nepovirus armv Arabis mosaic virus and its strains disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Capillovirus of unknown genus Apple stem grooving virus disease virus not present VALUE REQUIRED No list
Apscaviroid 1 Apple scar skin viroid disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED USDA Plant/Pest
Unknown pathogenic phytoplasma 1 Apple Rubbery Wood Phytoplasma disease phytoplasma VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED No list
Candidatus Phytoplasma mali Apple proliferation disease phytoplasma VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED No list
Ilarvirus apmv Apple mosaic virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED No list
Phenococcus aceris apple mealybug arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Rhagoletis pomonella apple maggot arthropod fly widespread n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Trichovirus aclsv Apple Chlorotic Leafspot Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED No list
Candidatus Lieberobacter asiaticum Apple Brown Ringspot Agent disease bacterium VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Ammotragus lervia Aoudad vertebrate mammal VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Witmer et al
Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Dieffenbachiae Anthurium Blight disease bacterium VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Bacillus anthracis Anthrax disease bacterium not present moderate CDFA AHFSS
Anomala sulcatula Anomala sulcatula arthropod beetle not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Brachypodium distachyon annual false-brome plant grass widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Anchusa arvensis annual bugloss plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) WA Weed List
Avena sterilis animated oat plant grass limited n/a (already in CA) APHIS
Comovirus of unknown genus Andean Potato Mottle Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Tymovirus aplv Andean Potato Latent Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Eichhornia azurea anchored water hyacinth plant herbaceous not present low USDA Plant/Pest
Potamocorbula amurensis Amur River Corbula Clam invertebrate aquatic mollusk, marine VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED NISIC
Myndus crudus American palm cixiid arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Mustela vision American mink vertebrate mammal VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Lacey Act
Rana catesbeiana American bullfrog vertebrate amphibian widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Limnophila indica ambulia plant herbaceous not present moderate CDFA
Xyleborus spp. ambrosia beetles arthropod beetle not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Xyleborus pfeili ambrosia beetle arthropod beetle limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Aecidium hydrangeae-paniculatae alt: Puccinia glyceriae/ rust on Hydrangea spp. and Glyceria spp. disease fungus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Capra ibex Alpine ibex vertebrate mammal VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Witmer et al
Alternanthera philoxeroides alligator weed plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Hedera canariensis Algerian ivy plant woody widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Rhabdovirus aev Alfalfa Enation Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Alectra spp. alectra plant herbaceous not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Phytophthora alni Alder Phytophthora disease oomycete not present moderate APHIS OPIS
Phytophthora alni Alder Phytophthora disease fungus not present low NAPPO
Rhadinovirus aihv-1 Alcelaphine herpesvirus 1 disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Chavarria NRDC
Acutaspis albopicta albopicta scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Dysmicoccus alazon alazon mealybug arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Orthobunyavirus akav Akabane Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Chavarria NRDC
Apis mellifera scutellata Africanized honeybee arthropod bee, wasp limited n/a (already in CA) USDA Plant/Pest
Asfivirus asfv African Swine Fever Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Chavarria NRDC
Luteovirus of unassigned genus African Soybean Dwarf Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Dacus bivittatus African pumpkin fly arthropod fly not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Orbivirus ahsv African Horse Sickness Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Chavarria NRDC
Pennisetum macrourum African feathergrass plant grass not present low USDA Plant/Pest
Streptopelia roseogrisea African collared dove vertebrate bird VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Witmer et al
Xenopus laevis African clawed frog vertebrate amphibian limited n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Trioza erytreae African citrus psyllid arthropod scale, aphid limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. A)
Lycium ferocissimum African boxthorn plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) USDA Plant/Pest
Aeginetia spp. aeginetia plant herbaceous not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Gymnaspis aechmeae aechmea scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Adoretus spp. Adoretus spp. arthropod beetle not present high USDA Plant/Pest
Kilifia acuminata acuminate scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Artemisia absinthium absinthe wormwood plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) CO Weed List
Sciurus aberti Abert’s squirrel vertebrate mammal VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Witmer et al