CISAC has compiled the list below of over 1,700 species known to be invasive in California or a potential threat for introduction to the state. Please use the comment form below to let us know about: taxa that should be added or removed; species information that you would change; and species that you think should be a high priority for having a scorecard completed (choose Review Scorecards to see the list of scorecards already drafted). Make sure to click Save. Previous comments are displayed at the bottom of the page.

Download Species List (.csv) (to open in a Spreadsheet program)
This data download is provided to aid in the review of the draft invasive species list. We discourage other use of this data until it has been revised and finalized.

Scientific Name Common Name Typesort icon Subtype Extent Risk of Introduction First Source
Singhiella simplex Fig whitefly arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate FL Dept. of Ag
Sinoxylon anale dunnage beetle arthropod beetle not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Sirex noctilio sirex woodwasp arthropod bee, wasp not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Siteroptes graminum grass mite arthropod mite limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Sitodiplosis mosellana wheat midge arthropod fly limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. A)
Sminthurus viridus lucerne flea arthropod springtail not present low USDA Plant/Pest
Sogatodes orizicola rice delphacid arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Solenopsis geminata tropical fire ant arthropod bee, wasp not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Solenopsis invicta red imported fire ant arthropod bee, wasp limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. A)
Solenopsis richteri X Solenopsis invicta hybrid hybrid fire ant arthropod bee, wasp not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Solenopsis saevissima red imported fire ant arthropod bee, wasp not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Sphenophorus maidis maize billbug arthropod beetle not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Spodoptera dolichos armyworm arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Spodoptera eridania southern armyworm arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Spodoptera exempta nutgrass armyworm arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Spodoptera latifascia lateral lined armyworm arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Spodoptera littoralis Egyptian cottonworm arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Spodoptera mauritia lawn armyworm arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Spodoptera sunia Costa Rican armyworm arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Steneotarsonemus ananas pineapple tarsonemid arthropod mite limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Steneotarsonemus spinki panicle rice mite arthropod mite not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Stenolechia bathrodyas juniper gelechiid arthropod butterfly, moth limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Stenoma catenifer avocado seed moth arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Sternochetus mangiferae mango seed weevil arthropod beetle not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Syngrapha epigaea inscribed looper moth arthropod butterfly, moth not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Tetraleurodes spp. redbanded whitefly arthropod scale, aphid limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Tetranychus evansi red spider mite arthropod mite limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Thaumatotibia leucotreta False codling moth arthropod butterfly, moth not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Thrips angusticeps cabbage thrips arthropod thrips not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Thrips florum banana flower thrips arthropod thrips not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Thrips palmi melon thrips arthropod thrips not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis bagworm arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Tildenia gudmannella pepper flower bud moth arthropod butterfly, moth not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Tipula oleracea common crane fly arthropod fly not present low CDFA (reg. B)
Tipula paludosa European crane fly arthropod fly limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Tischeria marginata moth arthropod butterfly, moth not present low CDFA (reg. A)
Tomicus piniperda pine shoot beetle arthropod beetle not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Toumeyella liriodendri tuliptree scale arthropod scale, aphid limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Toxoptera citricida Brown citrus aphid arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Toxotrypana curvicauda papaya fruit fly arthropod fly not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Tranes internatus macrozamia borer arthropod beetle limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Trialeurodes floridensis avocado whitefly arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Trioza erytreae African citrus psyllid arthropod scale, aphid limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. A)
Trioza tripunctata blackberry psyllid arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Trogoderma granarium khapra beetle arthropod beetle not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Tropilaelaps clareae honeybee mite arthropod mite not present high USDA Plant/Pest
Typophorus nigritus viridicyaneus sweetpotato leaf beetle arthropod beetle not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Unaspis citri citrus snow scale arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Unaspis euonymi euonymus scale arthropod scale, aphid limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Varroa jacobsoni varroa mite arthropod mite widespread n/a (already in CA) USDA Plant/Pest
Velataspis dentata dentate scale arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Xyleborinus andrewesi Asian ambrosia beetle arthropod beetle not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Xyleborus glabratus Redbay ambrosia beetle arthropod beetle not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Xyleborus pfeili ambrosia beetle arthropod beetle limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Xyleborus spp. ambrosia beetles arthropod beetle not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Zabrotes spp. bean weevil arthropod beetle limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Zabrotes subfasciatus Mexican bean weevil arthropod beetle limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Zeiraphera canadensis spruce budworm arthropod butterfly, moth not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Zeuzera pyrina leopard moth arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Zonosemata electa pepper maggot arthropod fly not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Zophodia convolutella gooseberry fruitworm arthropod butterfly, moth not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Zygogramma exclamationis sunflower beetle arthropod beetle not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Adoretus spp. Adoretus spp. arthropod beetle not present high USDA Plant/Pest
Anomala sulcatula Anomala sulcatula arthropod beetle not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Capua tortrix Capua tortrix arthropod butterfly, moth not present low USDA Plant/Pest
Ceratitis spp. Ceratitis spp. arthropod fly limited high USDA Plant/Pest
Conoderus rufangulus Conoderus rufangulus arthropod beetle not present high USDA Plant/Pest
Euvarroa sinhai Euvarroa sinhai arthropod mite not present high USDA Plant/Pest
Laspeyresia spp. Laspeyresia spp. arthropod butterfly, moth not present high USDA Plant/Pest
Megalometis chilensis Megalometis chilensis arthropod beetle not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Proeulia spp. Proeulia spp. arthropod butterfly, moth not present low USDA Plant/Pest
Aulacaspis yasumatsui cycad aulacaspis scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high Univ. Florida
Planococcus minor (Maskell) Passionvine mealybug arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Scirtothrips dorsalis (Hood) Chilli thrips arthropod thrips not present high NAPPA Phyto
Quadrastichus erythrinae Erythrnia gall wasp arthropod bee, wasp not present high FL Dept. of Ag
Bactrocera cucurbitae melon fly arthropod fly not present low CDFA (reg. A)
Brevipalpus phoenicis red and black flat mite arthropod mite limited n/a (already in CA) CACASA
Acarapis woodi honey bee tracheal mite arthropod widespread n/a (already in CA) USDA Plant/Pest