CISAC has compiled the list below of over 1,700 species known to be invasive in California or a potential threat for introduction to the state. Please use the comment form below to let us know about: taxa that should be added or removed; species information that you would change; and species that you think should be a high priority for having a scorecard completed (choose Review Scorecards to see the list of scorecards already drafted). Make sure to click Save. Previous comments are displayed at the bottom of the page.

Download Species List (.csv) (to open in a Spreadsheet program)
This data download is provided to aid in the review of the draft invasive species list. We discourage other use of this data until it has been revised and finalized.

Scientific Name Common Name Type Subtype Extent Risk of Introduction First Sourcesort icon
Tombusviridae of unknown genus Chlorotic Ringspot Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Tombusvirus galv Grapevine Algerian Latent Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Trichovirus crmv Cherry Rusty Mottle Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Trichovirus ginv Grapevine Berry Inner Necrosis Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Trichovirus pvt Potato Virus T disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Trichovirus spp Quince Stunt Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Tymovirus aplv Andean Potato Latent Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Tymovirus cymv Cocoa Yellow Mosaic Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Tymovirus dmv Dulcamara Mottle Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Tymovirus okmv Okra Mosaic Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Umbravirus grv Groundnut Rosette Viruses disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Unknown pathogenic virus 2 Euonymus Mosaic Agents disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Unknown pathogenic virus 3 French Bean Mosaic Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Unknown pathogenic virus 4 Grapevine Bratislava Mosaic Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Unknown pathogenic virus 5 Grapevine Chasselas Latent Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Unknown pathogenic virus 6 Grapevine Little Leaf Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Unknown pathogenic virus 7 Grapevine Vein Mosaic Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Unknown pathogenic virus 8 Grapevine Vein Necrosis Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Unknown pathogenic virus 10 Hibiscus Leaf Curl Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Unknown pathogenic virus 11 Horsechestnut Variegation Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Unknown pathogenic virus 12 Horsechestnut Yellow Mosaic Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Unknown pathogenic virus ccdv Citrus chlorotic dwarf virus ccdv disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Waikavirus rtsv Rice Tungro Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Cocoa Swollen Shoot Virus Cocoa Swollen Shoot Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Nepovirus gtrsv Grapevine Tunisian Ringspot Virus disease virus not present low APHIS OPIS
Jasmine Variegation Agents Jasmine Variegation Agents disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Birnaviridae Kashmir Bee Virus disease virus limited n/a (already in CA) APHIS OPIS
Ligustrum Mosaic Agents Ligustrum Mosaic Agents disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Maple Mosaic Agent Maple Mosaic Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Maple Variegation Agent Maple Variegation Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Mountain Ash Ringspot Mosaic Agent Mountain Ash Ringspot Mosaic Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Mountain Ash Variegation Agent Mountain Ash Variegation Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Mulberry Mosaic Agent Mulberry Mosaic Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Oat Red Streak Mosaic Virus Oat Red Streak Mosaic Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Okra Mosaic Agents Okra Mosaic Agents disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Pear Bud Drop Agent Pear Bud Drop Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Phyllody Agent Phyllody Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Plum Bark Split Virus Plum Bark Split Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Quince Sooty Ringspot Agent Quince Sooty Ringspot Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Quince Yellow Blotch Agent Quince Yellow Blotch Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Sampaguita Yellow Ringspot Mosaic Agent Sampaguita Yellow Ringspot Mosaic Agent disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Soybean Dwarf Virus Soybean Dwarf Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Sweetpotato chlorotic stunt virus Sweetpotato chlorotic stunt virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Veinal necrosis virus (PVYN) Veinal necrosis virus (PVYN) disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Erysiphe graminis Cereal Mildew disease fungus limited n/a (already in CA) APSNet
Microcyclus ulei South American Leaf Blight disease fungus not present low APSNet
Pyricularia grisea Rice Blast disease fungus limited n/a (already in CA) APSNet
Ipomoea triloba three-cornered morning glory plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) AZ Weed List
Centaurea stoebe ssp. micranthos spotted knapweed plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) AZ Weed List
Pennisetum ciliare buffelgrass plant grass limited n/a (already in CA) AZ Weed List
Euryops multifidus hawk's eye plant woody not present high AZ Weed List
Panicum repens torpedo grass plant grass limited n/a (already in CA) AZ Weed List
Trapa natans water-chestnut plant herbaceous not present moderate AZ Weed List
n/a Indian citrus ringspot virus n/a Indian citrus ringspot virus disease virus not present VALUE REQUIRED CACASA
Puccinia horiana Chrysanthemum White Rust disease fungus limited n/a (already in CA) CACASA
Spiroplasma citri Citrus stubborn disease disease spiroplasma limited VALUE REQUIRED CACASA
Pseudomonas avellanae Bacterial Canker of Hazelnut disease bacterium VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED CACASA
Brevipalpus phoenicis red and black flat mite arthropod mite limited n/a (already in CA) CACASA
Dreissena polymorpha Zebra mussels invertebrate aquatic mollusk, freshwater limited n/a (already in CA) CAISMP
Dreissena bugensis Quagga mussels invertebrate aquatic mollusk, freshwater limited n/a (already in CA) CAISMP
Potamopyrgus antipodarum New Zealand mudsnail invertebrate aquatic mollusk, freshwater limited n/a (already in CA) CAISMP
Eriocher sinensis Chinese mitten crab invertebrate crustaceans and tunicates limited n/a (already in CA) CAISMP
Pteropus spp. Flying fox vertebrate mammal not present low Cal Code 14:671
Dasypus novemcinctus Nine-banded armadillo vertebrate mammal not present high Cal Code 14:671
Rattus norvegicus Norway rat vertebrate mammal widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Rattus rattus Ship rat vertebrate mammal widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Cricetomys gambianus Gambian giant pouched rat vertebrate mammal not present low Cal Code 14:671
Mus musculus House mouse vertebrate mammal widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Castor canadensis Beaver vertebrate mammal widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Myocastor coypus Nutria vertebrate mammal limited n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Vulpes vulpes Red Fox vertebrate mammal limited n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Canis familiaris Feral dog vertebrate mammal limited high Cal Code 14:671
Mustela putorius European polecat or ferret vertebrate mammal limited n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Felis catus Feral cat vertebrate mammal widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Sus scrofa Feral pig vertebrate mammal widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Cervus axis Axis deer vertebrate mammal limited n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Cervus dama Fallow deer vertebrate mammal limited n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Cygnus olor Mute swan vertebrate bird widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Melagris gallopavo Common turkey vertebrate bird widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Streptopelia decaocto Eurasian collared dove vertebrate bird not present high Cal Code 14:671
Myiopsitta monachus Monk parakeet vertebrate bird limited n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Passer domesticus House sparrow vertebrate bird widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Quelea quelea Red-billed quelea vertebrate bird not present low Cal Code 14:671
Sturnus vulgaris European starling vertebrate bird widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Acridotheres cristatellus Crested mynah vertebrate bird not present low Cal Code 14:671
Bufo marinus Giant toad vertebrate amphibian not present high Cal Code 14:671
Eleutherodactylus coqui Coqui frog vertebrate amphibian not present high Cal Code 14:671
Osteopilus septentrionalis Cuban treefrog vertebrate amphibian not present low Cal Code 14:671
Rana catesbeiana American bullfrog vertebrate amphibian widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Xenopus laevis African clawed frog vertebrate amphibian limited n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Ambystoma tigrinum Eastern Tiger Salamander vertebrate amphibian limited high Cal Code 14:671
Trachemys scripta elegans Red-eared slider vertebrate reptile limited n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Chelydra serpentine Snapping turtle vertebrate reptile not present moderate Cal Code 14:671
Caiman crocodilus Spectacled caiman vertebrate reptile not present high Cal Code 14:671
Anolis equestris Knight anole vertebrate reptile not present high Cal Code 14:671
Anolis sagrei Brown anole vertebrate reptile not present high Cal Code 14:671
Ctenosaura similis Black spinytail iguana vertebrate reptile not present high Cal Code 14:671
Ctenosaura pectinata Mexican spinytail iguana vertebrate reptile not present moderate Cal Code 14:671
Gekko gecko Tokay gecko vertebrate reptile not present high Cal Code 14:671
Varanus niloticus Nile monitor vertebrate reptile not present moderate Cal Code 14:671