CISAC has compiled the list below of over 1,700 species known to be invasive in California or a potential threat for introduction to the state. Please use the comment form below to let us know about: taxa that should be added or removed; species information that you would change; and species that you think should be a high priority for having a scorecard completed (choose Review Scorecards to see the list of scorecards already drafted). Make sure to click Save. Previous comments are displayed at the bottom of the page.

Download Species List (.csv) (to open in a Spreadsheet program)
This data download is provided to aid in the review of the draft invasive species list. We discourage other use of this data until it has been revised and finalized.

Scientific Name Common Namesort icon Type Subtype Extent Risk of Introduction First Source
Cuscuta monogyna Eastern Dodder plant herbaceous not present low No list
Alphavirus eeev Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus disease virus not present low Chavarria NRDC
Ilynassa obsoleta Eastern mudsnail invertebrate aquatic mollusk, marine limited n/a (already in CA) Exoticsguide
Pissodes nemorensis eastern pine weevil arthropod beetle not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Malacosoma americanum eastern tent caterpillar arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Ambystoma tigrinum Eastern Tiger Salamander vertebrate amphibian limited high Cal Code 14:671
Oryzavirus ersv Echinochloa Ragged Stunt Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Ficus carica edible fig plant woody widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Aerodramus fuciphagus Edible-nest swiftlet vertebrate bird VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Witmer et al
Lymire edwardsii Edwards' wasp moth arthropod butterfly, moth not present low CDFA (reg. A)
Vallisneria spp. eelgrass plant herbaceous not present high CDFA
Leucinodes orbonalis eggplant fruit borer arthropod butterfly, moth not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Spodoptera littoralis Egyptian cottonworm arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Icerya aegyptiaca Egyptian fluted scale arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Septoria melanosa Elenk fungus disease fungus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Llarvirus emov Elm Mottle Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Chionaspis americana elm scurfy scale arthropod scale, aphid limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Phytoplasma ulmi Elm yellows disease phytoplasma VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED No list
Agrilus planipennis emerald ashborer     arthropod beetle not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Ilex aquifolium English holly plant woody limited n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Hedera helix English ivy plant woody widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Hedera hibernica English ivy plant woody not present high WA Weed List
Ehrharta erecta erect veldtgrass plant grass limited n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Francolinus erkelii Erkel’s francolin vertebrate bird VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Witmer et al
Quadrastichus erythrinae Erythrnia gall wasp arthropod bee, wasp not present high FL Dept. of Ag
Phoracantha spp. eucalyptus (longhorned) borer arthropod beetle limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Unknown pathogenic virus 2 Euonymus Mosaic Agents disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Unaspis euonymi euonymus scale arthropod scale, aphid limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Streptopelia decaocto Eurasian collared dove vertebrate bird not present high Cal Code 14:671
Myriophyllum spicatum Eurasian watermilfoil plant herbaceous widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Phytoplasma eay European Aster Yellows disease phytoplasma VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Ammophila arenaria European beachgrass plant grass widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Rhizotrogus majalis European chafer arthropod beetle not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Rhagoletis cerasi European cherry fruit fly arthropod fly not present low CDFA (reg. A)
Ostrinia nubilalis European corn borer arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Tipula paludosa European crane fly arthropod fly limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. B)
Hydrocharis morsus-ranae European frog-bit plant herbaceous not present moderate WA Weed List
Quadraspidiotus ostreaeformis European fruit scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Lobesia botrana European Grapevine Moth arthropod butterfly, moth limited n/a (already in CA) USDA Plant/Pest
Lepus europaeus European hare vertebrate mammal VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Witmer et al
Erinaceus europaeus European hedgehog vertebrate mammal not present low Cal Code 14:671
Viscum album European mistletoe plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA
Rhyacionia buoliana European pine shoot moth arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Mustela putorius European polecat or ferret vertebrate mammal limited n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Oryctolagus cuniculus European rabbit vertebrate mammal VALUE REQUIRED n/a (already in CA) Lacey Act
Cakile maritima European sea-rocket plant herbaceous widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Sturnus vulgaris European starling vertebrate bird widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Phytoplasma esfy European Stone Fruit Yellows disease phytoplasma VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Passer montanus European tree sparrow vertebrate bird VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Witmer et al
Tenuivirus ewsmv European Wheat Striate Mosaic Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Lachnellula willkommii Eurpoean larch canker disease fungus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Euvarroa sinhai Euvarroa sinhai arthropod mite not present high USDA Plant/Pest
Eumerus aurifrons exotic bulb fly arthropod fly unknown VALUE REQUIRED CDFA (reg. A)
Sparganium erectum exotic bur reed plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) USDA Plant/Pest
Anastrepha sp. exotic fruit fly arthropod fly not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Bactrocera spp. exotic fruit fly arthropod fly limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA (reg. A)
Dacus sp. exotic fruit fly arthropod fly not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Rhagoletis spp. exotic fruit fly arthropod fly unknown moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Lymantria spp. exotic moth arthropod butterfly, moth not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Avulavirus ndv Exotic Newcastle Disease disease virus not present moderate CDFA AHFSS
Paramyxovirus-1 (PMV-1) Exotic newcastle disease (END) disease virus not present high National IS Info
Cylas spp. exotic weevil arthropod beetle not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Diaprepes sp. exotic weevil arthropod beetle not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Cervus dama Fallow deer vertebrate mammal limited n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Cryptophlebia leucotreta false codling moth arthropod butterfly, moth not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Thaumatotibia leucotreta False codling moth arthropod butterfly, moth not present moderate CDFA (reg. A)
Nothoscordum inodorum false garlic plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA
Brevipalpus chilensis false grape mite arthropod mite not present high USDA Plant/Pest
Lepyrodiclis holosteoides false jagged-chickweed plant herbaceous not present low WA Weed List
Pseudoparlatoria parlatoriodes false paralatoria scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Pennisetum villosum feathergrass plant grass limited n/a (already in CA) No list
Foeniculum vulgare fennel plant herbaceous widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Felis catus Feral cat vertebrate mammal widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Canis familiaris Feral dog vertebrate mammal limited high Cal Code 14:671
Capra hircus Feral goat vertebrate mammal VALUE REQUIRED n/a (already in CA) ISSG 100WorstIAS
Sus scrofa Feral pig vertebrate mammal widespread n/a (already in CA) Cal Code 14:671
Columba livia Feral pigeon vertebrate bird widespread high Witmer et al
Ovis aries Feral sheep vertebrate mammal VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED Witmer et al
Arctotheca calendula (fertile) fertile capeweed plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA
Convolvulus arvensis field bindweed plant herbaceous widespread n/a (already in CA) CDFA
Ceroplastes rusci fig wax scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Singhiella simplex Fig whitefly arthropod scale, aphid not present moderate FL Dept. of Ag
Elytroteinus subtruncatus Fijian ginger weevil arthropod beetle not present moderate USDA Plant/Pest
Bassia hyssopifolia fivehook bassia plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Urocystis agropyri Flag Smut disease fungus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Urocystis tritici Flag Smut Agent disease fungus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Phytoplasma fd Flavescence doree disease phytoplasma VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Descurainia sophia flixweed plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Ceroplastes floridensis Florida wax scale arthropod scale, aphid not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Frankliniella tritici flower thrips arthropod thrips not present high CDFA (reg. A)
Butomus umbellatus flowering rush plant herbaceous not present high WA Weed List
Pteropus spp. Flying fox vertebrate mammal not present low Cal Code 14:671
Sciurus niger Fox squirrel vertebrate mammal VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED ISSG 100WorstIAS
Digitalis purpurea foxglove plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) Cal-IPC list
Ononis alopecuroides foxtail restharrow plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) CDFA
Nymphaea odorata fragrant waterlily plant herbaceous limited n/a (already in CA) WA Weed List
Pseudomonas celebensis Freckle disease bacterium VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Guignardia musae Freckle disease of Banana disease fungus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Unknown pathogenic virus 3 French Bean Mosaic Virus disease virus VALUE REQUIRED VALUE REQUIRED APHIS OPIS
Genista monspessulana French broom plant woody widespread n/a (already in CA) CDFA