Lymantria dispar scorecard

Species:  Lymantria dispar
Spread Rate Hitchhikers on RVs, etc., larvae drift on silk threads, females are flightless for one "type/subspecies" but fly readily for the other one. 5
Spread Amount 500 hosts - hardwoods and conifers; Asian GM (same species) has a broader host range and females fly - this is the type most likely to invade CA by ship and lumber from Asia. Trapped detections are mostly European GM from Eastern US. 5
Ecological Numerous native species can be impacted. Increased pesticide use by homeowners and others if GM establishes will have a negative impact on the environment. 5
Agricultural Some agricultural trees potentially impacted and impact on lumber. 3
Infrastructure Degradation of scenery. Increase in wildfire potential. 2
Cultural Landscape trees and home orchard damage. 2
Health 0
Ecological 0
Agricultural 0
Infrastructure 0
Cultural 0
Benefit Health 0
Ability to Respond
Ease of ResponseNotesScore
Detection Statewide detection program with GM pherormone traps occurs throughout CA every year. 5
Control Eradication of incipient infestations by CDFA , though costly, have been very successful. Difficult to control once established. 3
Tools in PlaceNotesScore
Entry A-rated pest from CDFA. All outdoor household goods from infested areas entering CA are inspected as are RV's and suspect vehicles. 5
Control A-rated pest from CDFA, a good pheromone exists for delimitation of populations with mandated eradication. 5
Outreach Well publicized pest. 4
Scorecard Totals
Impact Total:
[Impact] = ([Spread] + [Damage] - [Benefit])
Ability to Respond Total:
[Ability to Respond] = ([Ease of Response] + [Tools in Place])
Confidence:  high