Maconellicoccus hirsutus scorecard

Spread Rate Natural spread is slow for this group which are not strong fliers, movement would be facilitated with human activities and on ornamental plants. 3
Spread Amount Occurs in ten counties of CA primarily in the Central Valley (also Orange Co.); would be beneficial to keep it from spreading has been eradicated from CA; native to the southeastern U.S. 5
Ecological Increased insecticide usage would result to manage this pest if it established - this could threaten environmental quality. 1
Agricultural Pest of pistachio in CA; also known to occur on persimmon and grapes and probably other hosts, native to SE USA. 4
Infrastructure 0
Cultural Could impact fruit and nut production for home-owners. 1
Health 0
Ecological 0
Agricultural 0
Infrastructure 0
Cultural 0
Benefit Health 0
Ability to Respond
Ease of ResponseNotesScore
Detection Mealybugs overall are difficult to sample and detect - this is due to their small size, cryptic habits. 4
Control Mealybugs overall are difficult to control, they have a protective covering which protects them from non-specialized natural enemies and from insecticides. 4
Tools in PlaceNotesScore
Entry B-rated pest from CDFA. 3
Control B-rated pest from CDFA. 3
Outreach Not on the radar screen of most. 0
Scorecard Totals
Impact Total:
[Impact] = ([Spread] + [Damage] - [Benefit])
Ability to Respond Total:
[Ability to Respond] = ([Ease of Response] + [Tools in Place])
Confidence:  high