Planococcus minor (Maskell) scorecard

Spread Rate Natural spread is relatively slow, not strong fliers, movement would be facilitated by human activities and on ornamental plants; can also be wind-dispersed, the high number of hosts with possibilities for movement in trade and travel is problematic. 4
Spread Amount Found in the Afrotropical, Australasian, Nearctic, Neotropical, and Oriental regions, not present in the US but as close as Mexico, Bermuda, and Virgin Islands; should survive well in much of CA, especially the Central Valley. 5
Ecological Increased insecticide usage would result to manage this pest if it established - this would threaten environmental quality; this mealybug would also damage several native plants. 3
Agricultural Has 250 host plants including banana, citrus, cocoa, coffee, corn, grape, mango, potato, various cucurbits, several bean types, and numerous ornamentals. 5
Infrastructure 0
Cultural Several garden plants and ornamental plants would be affected. 2
Health 0
Ecological 0
Agricultural 0
Infrastructure 0
Cultural 0
Benefit Health 0
Ability to Respond
Ease of ResponseNotesScore
Detection Surveys require “time-consuming and often laborious examination of plant material for the presence of live mealybugs”, some passive traps can capture/monitor males; sex pheromones have been identified; molecular diagnostic work needed for positive id. 2
Control Mealybugs are generally difficult to control - insecticides, biological control, cultural controls play roles but the overall result is often moderate without significant investment of time and resources. 2
Tools in PlaceNotesScore
Entry A-rated pest from CDFA. 5
Control A-rated pest from CDFA. 5
Outreach Knowledge of this pest fairly is high. 3
Scorecard Totals
Impact Total:
[Impact] = ([Spread] + [Damage] - [Benefit])
Ability to Respond Total:
[Ability to Respond] = ([Ease of Response] + [Tools in Place])
Confidence:  high