Sesbania punicea scorecard

Species:  Sesbania punicea
Spread Rate Infests riparian areas, limited in CA. Spreads rapidly. In good conditions able to germinate in June, grower to 5-ft tall with mature seed pods in Oct. of the same year; b) floating seed pods can disperse long distances rapidly (Vince Guise, pers comm). 5
Spread Amount A recent invader that has spread in the Central Valley since 1999 (unknown). A serious pest in riparian areas diplacing natives and creating a monoculture. Documented to have occurred in South Africa and southeastern U.S. rapidly (Vince Guise, pers comm). 3
Ecological Damage to natural riparian areas (Vince Guise, pers comm). Rated high in the Cal-IPC Inventory. 4
Agricultural Forms dense thickets along riverbanks, excluding native species. Plants poisonour to wildlife. 3
Infrastructure Increases flood potential (Vince Guise, pers comm). 2
Cultural Increases hydraulic roughness of rivers where established, may increase flood severity. Toxic to livestock. 2
Health 0
Ecological 0
Agricultural 0
Infrastructure 0
Cultural 0
Benefit Health 0
Ability to Respond
Ease of ResponseNotesScore
Detection Relatively easy to detect especially when in flower and when dormant with it's distinctive seed pods that persist on the tree potential (Vince Guise, pers comm). 3
Control Though it is not particularly easy to control and the seed has a long longevity, it is controlled with eradication as a goal by some WMA's or county ag departments through hand removal and/or cut/stump treatment (Vince Guise, pers comm).” 3
Tools in PlaceNotesScore
Entry CDFA "B" rated noxious weed (Vince Guise, pers comm).” 3
Control Surveys and eradication treatments in Sacramento, Contra Costa and Delta areas; surveys in San Joaquin Valley weed (Vince Guise, pers comm). 4
Outreach Mostly through WMA's and survey (Vince Guise, pers comm). Also on Cal-IPC and CDFA lists. 2
Scorecard Totals
Impact Total:
[Impact] = ([Spread] + [Damage] - [Benefit])
Ability to Respond Total:
[Ability to Respond] = ([Ease of Response] + [Tools in Place])
Confidence:  high