Sus scrofa scorecard

Species:  Sus scrofa
Spread Rate CA populations widespread, and have spread steadily under most CA climate conditions. 3
Spread Amount CA populations have built up in some areas to nuisance or depradating populations. 3
Ecological Can dig up native vegetation or crops, and spread weeds, and disrupt succession and species composition. 3
Agricultural Can damage crops, stock and property 3
Infrastructure 0
Cultural 0
Health Attributed E. coli outbreak, 2009, in Salinas spinach; can transmit other diseases e.g., leptospirosis and Foot and Mouth disease. 3
Ecological 0
Agricultural 0
Infrastructure 0
Cultural Food and DFG-mged game species in California. 2
Benefit Health 0
Ability to Respond
Ease of ResponseNotesScore
Detection Level of damage plainly measureable, with subsequent trapping/ shooting to estimate population number. 5
Control Hunting, trapping/ shooting and toxicants, depending on level of infestation density vs. level of reduction sought. 3
Tools in PlaceNotesScore
Entry A CDFA "A"-rated pest, and DFG game-managed species(under eradication or restriction to a small area in OR). 5
Control Trapping in an incipient infestation may be effective. APHIS WS may handle. 5
Outreach CA growers and game huunting public aware. Crop depradations allow take. 3
Scorecard Totals
Impact Total:
[Impact] = ([Spread] + [Damage] - [Benefit])
Ability to Respond Total:
[Ability to Respond] = ([Ease of Response] + [Tools in Place])
Confidence:  high