Vulpes vulpes scorecard

Species:  Vulpes vulpes
Spread Rate Reproductive success and expansion continues in California. Up to 25 per square kilometer. Identified in over 300 sites across California. 3
Spread Amount Reproduction can occur every year with litter size up to 9 pups. Sightings extensive in CA. 3
Ecological Preys on and outcompetes with endangered kit fox, clapper rails and least terns, upland game species and lambs. 4
Agricultural 3
Infrastructure 0
Cultural 0
Health 0
Ecological 0
Agricultural 0
Infrastructure 0
Cultural Under Fish & Game Code Section 4000, may be hunted (usually for fur). Historically raised on ~125 California fur farms. 1
Benefit Health 0
Ability to Respond
Ease of ResponseNotesScore
Detection Rarely seen; can be detected with Approrpiate tracking techniques - tracks, camera traps on scent, . 3
Control Ffoxes now may be hunted as a non-game animal, in accordance with FGC Section 4000 are trapping, bow and arrow, poison under permit, and dogs. 2
Tools in PlaceNotesScore
Entry DFG regulates as a non-game animal. 3
Control 3
Outreach Very little in-state publicity on ecologic impacts, partly due to negative public opinion on current capture programs to protect endangered species, which managing resource agencies conduct as unobstrusively as possible. 1
Scorecard Totals
Impact Total:
[Impact] = ([Spread] + [Damage] - [Benefit])
Ability to Respond Total:
[Ability to Respond] = ([Ease of Response] + [Tools in Place])
Confidence:  high