Species Source References

Source Titlesort icon Source Type
Exotic Forest Pest Information System for North America Other
European Plant Protection Organization Government List
European Food Safety Authority Government List
Complete Complete List of Amphibian, Reptile, Bird and Mammal Species in California Government List
Colorado Noxious Weed List Government List
Check-List of the Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals of California Government List
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Government List
Center for Invasive Species Research Other
Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy Government List
CDFA/AHFSS Animal Disease List Government List
CDFA report "Protecting California from Biological Pollution" Government List
CDFA regulated pest list - C rated pest Government List
CDFA regulated pest list - B rated pest Government List
CDFA regulated pest list - A rated pest Government List
CDFA Pierce's Disease/Glassy Winged Sharpshooter Program Government List
CDFA Noxious Weed List Government List
CDFA Detection Advisory- 2009 Government List
CDFA Animal Health and Food Safety Services Division Government List
CDFA "A" Rated Vertebrate Pests Government List
California Restricted Species Laws and Regulations -- Importation, Transportation and Possession of Wild Animals - Manual 671 Government List
California Invasive Plant Inventory (Cal-IPC List) NGO List
California Fish & Game Code 2118 Government List
California Code of Regulations, Title 14 Sec 671 Government List
California Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan Government List
Cal Agricultural Commissioners survey Other
Bob Hoffman (pers comm) Other
Arizona Noxious Weed List Government List
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force Government List
Aquatic Nuisance Species Information System Government List
AmphibiaWeb UC Regents NGO List
American Phytopathologic Society NGO List
American Fisheries Society Other
2010 South Florida Environmental Report Government List