We have developed a scorecard template to help us rate, for a given species, its impacts and our ability to respond to the species. We have drafted scorecards for over 200 species. Please select review next to the species you know, and use the comment form on the scorecard to let us know what scores we should consider changing. If you don't see a scorecard here for a species that you think should have a scorecard drafted, please choose Review Species List and use the comment form there. For a tabular presentation of scorecard values for multiple species, choose View Scorecard Summary.
Species |
Type![]() |
Subtype | Impact | Ability to Respond | Confidence | Extent | ||
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Xyleborus glabratus Redbay ambrosia beetle |
arthropod | beetle | 19 | 15 | high | not present | |
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Thaumatotibia leucotreta False codling moth |
arthropod | butterfly, moth | 16 | 17 | high | not present | |
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Liothrips oleae olive thrips |
arthropod | thrips | 9 | 17 | high | not present | |
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Thrips florum banana flower thrips |
arthropod | thrips | 12 | 17 | high | not present | |
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Thrips palmi melon thrips |
arthropod | thrips | 16 | 20 | high | not present | |
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Ostrinia nubilalis European corn borer |
arthropod | butterfly, moth | 13 | 17 | high | not present | |
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Pectinophora gossypiella pink bollworm |
arthropod | butterfly, moth | 12 | 20 | high | limited | |
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Lobesia botrana European Grapevine Moth |
arthropod | butterfly, moth | 15 | 21 | medium | limited | |
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Anoplophora glabripennis Asian longhorned beetle |
arthropod | beetle | 26 | 15 | high | not present | |
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Bagrada hilaris Bagrada bug |
arthropod | scale, aphid | 14 | 11 | low | limited | |
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Anthonomus grandis grandis boll weevil |
arthropod | beetle | 11 | 18 | high | not present | |
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Anastrepha suspensa Caribbean fruit fly |
arthropod | fly | 18 | 21 | high | not present | |
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Aspidiotus destructor coconut scale |
arthropod | scale, aphid | 17 | 14 | high | not present | |
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Agrilus planipennis emerald ashborer |
arthropod | beetle | 21 | 15 | high | not present | |
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Agrilus coxalis golden spotted oak borer |
arthropod | beetle | 19 | 8 | high | limited | |
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Bactrocera correcta Guava fruit fly |
arthropod | fly | 17 | 19 | high | not present | |
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Bactrocera zonata Peach fruit fly |
arthropod | fly | 20 | 22 | high | not present | |
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Apis mellifera scutellata Africanized honeybee |
arthropod | bee, wasp | 11 | 7 | medium | limited | |
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Bactrocera cucurbitae melon fly |
arthropod | fly | 18 | 20 | high | not present | |
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Anastrepha ludens complex Mexican fruit fly complex |
arthropod | fly | 17 | 19 | high | not present | |
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Anomala orientalis Oriental beetle |
arthropod | beetle | 13 | 16 | high | not present | |
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Bactrocera dorsalis Oriental fruit fly |
arthropod | fly | 18 | 22 | high | not present | |
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Laspeyresia spp. Laspeyresia spp. |
arthropod | butterfly, moth | 12 | 16 | low | not present | |
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Mamestra brassicae cabbage moth |
arthropod | butterfly, moth | 13 | 19 | medium | not present | |
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Diaprepes abbreviatus Diaprepes root weevil |
arthropod | beetle | 22 | 18 | high | limited | |
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Acalymma vittatum striped cucumber beetle |
arthropod | beetle | 11 | 18 | high | not present | |
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Homalodisca vitripennis glassy-winged sharpshooter |
arthropod | scale, aphid | 18 | 21 | high | limited | |
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Anastrepha obliqua West Indian fruit fly |
arthropod | fly | 18 | 21 | high | not present | |
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Bactrocera albistrigata White Striped Fruit Fly |
arthropod | fly | 11 | 22 | low | not present | |
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Bactrocera scutellata Striped fruit fly |
arthropod | fly | 12 | 18 | low | not present | |
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Rhagoletis cerasi European cherry fruit fly |
arthropod | fly | 15 | 17 | medium | not present | |
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Solenopsis invicta red imported fire ant |
arthropod | bee, wasp | 23 | 21 | high | limited | |
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Acutaspis albopicta albopicta scale |
arthropod | scale, aphid | 10 | 18 | high | not present | |
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Ceroplastes ceriferus Indian wax scale |
arthropod | scale, aphid | 10 | 18 | high | not present | |
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Nilotaspis halli Hall scale |
arthropod | scale, aphid | 11 | 18 | high | not present | |
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Parlatoria theae complex tea paralatoria scale - species complex |
arthropod | scale, aphid | 13 | 18 | high | not present | |
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Maconellicoccus hirsutus Pink hibiscus mealybug |
arthropod | scale, aphid | 14 | 14 | high | limited | |
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Trogoderma granarium khapra beetle |
arthropod | beetle | 17 | 19 | high | not present | |
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Ferrisia gilli Gill’s mealybug |
arthropod | scale, aphid | 13 | 20 | high | limited | |
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Planococcus ficus vine mealybug |
arthropod | scale, aphid | 15 | 16 | high | limited | |
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Toxoptera citricida Brown citrus aphid |
arthropod | scale, aphid | 17 | 19 | high | not present | |
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Xyleborinus andrewesi Asian ambrosia beetle |
arthropod | beetle | 12 | 6 | high | not present | |
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Popillia japonica Japanese beetle |
arthropod | beetle | 18 | 18 | high | not present | |
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Lymantria dispar Gypsy moth |
arthropod | butterfly, moth | 22 | 22 | high | not present | |
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Solenopsis saevissima red imported fire ant |
arthropod | bee, wasp | 21 | 15 | medium | not present | |
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Anastrepha striata guava fruit fly |
arthropod | fly | 13 | 15 | low | not present | |
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Ceratitis capitata Mediterranean fruit fly |
arthropod | fly | 19 | 23 | high | not present | |
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Cochliomyia hominivorax screwworm |
arthropod | fly | 20 | 19 | high | not present | |
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Diaphorina citri Asian citrus psyllid |
arthropod | scale, aphid | 18 | 21 | high | limited | |
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Spodoptera littoralis Egyptian cottonworm |
arthropod | butterfly, moth | 18 | 15 | high | not present | |
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Sannina uroceriformis persimmon borer |
arthropod | butterfly, moth | 12 | 14 | high | not present | |
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Solenopsis geminata tropical fire ant |
arthropod | bee, wasp | 15 | 16 | high | not present | |
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Choristoneura fumiferana spruce budworm |
arthropod | butterfly, moth | 6 | 17 | low | not present | |
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Solenopsis richteri X Solenopsis invicta hybrid hybrid fire ant |
arthropod | bee, wasp | 22 | 14 | medium | not present | |
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Cactoblasis cactorum cactus moth |
arthropod | butterfly, moth | 20 | 17 | high | not present | |
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Epiphyas postvittana Light brown apple moth |
arthropod | butterfly, moth | 15 | 21 | high | limited | |
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Rhyacionia buoliana European pine shoot moth |
arthropod | butterfly, moth | 12 | 16 | low | not present | |
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Heliocoverpa armigera (Hübner) cotton bollworm |
arthropod | butterfly, moth | 16 | 16 | high | not present | |
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Leptinotarsa decemlineata Colorado potato beetle |
arthropod | beetle | 14 | 17 | high | not present | |
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Diabrotica virgifera virgifera western corn rootworm |
arthropod | beetle | 15 | 17 | high | not present | |
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Epilachna varivestis Mexican bean beetle |
arthropod | beetle | 16 | 16 | high | not present | |
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Chilo suppressalis Asiatic rice borer |
arthropod | butterfly, moth | 15 | 16 | high | not present | |
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Oulema melanopus cereal leaf beetle |
arthropod | beetle | 13 | 19 | high | not present | |
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Tomicus piniperda pine shoot beetle |
arthropod | beetle | 12 | 16 | high | not present | |
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Tropilaelaps clareae honeybee mite |
arthropod | mite | 19 | 16 | high | not present | |
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Cylas formicarius elegantulus sweetpotato weevil |
arthropod | beetle | 14 | 17 | medium | not present | |
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Curculio caryae pecan weevil |
arthropod | beetle | 13 | 18 | medium | not present | |
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Conotrachelus retentus black walnut curculio |
arthropod | beetle | 13 | 18 | medium | not present | |
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Planococcus minor (Maskell) Passionvine mealybug |
arthropod | scale, aphid | 19 | 17 | high | not present | |
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Scirtothrips dorsalis (Hood) Chilli thrips |
arthropod | thrips | 19 | 17 | high | not present | |
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Diaprepes sp. exotic weevil |
arthropod | beetle | 21 | 14 | low | not present | |
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Geosmithia sp. Thousand Cankers Disease Complex |
disease | fungus | 16 | 8 | medium | unknown | |
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Uromyces transversalis Gladiolus Rust |
disease | fungus | 9 | 12 | medium | limited | |
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Flavivirus 1 Dengue Fever |
disease | virus | 1 | 14 | medium | limited | |
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Phytophthora ramorum Sudden oak death |
disease | oomycete | 21 | 17 | high | limited | |
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Alphavirus veev Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus |
disease | virus | 7 | 15 | medium | not present | |
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Flavivirus 2 West Nile Virus |
disease | virus | 17 | 14 | medium | widespread | |
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Paramyxovirus-1 (PMV-1) Exotic newcastle disease (END) |
disease | virus | 15 | 21 | medium | not present | |
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Aphtae epizooticae Hoof and mouth disease |
disease | virus | 24 | 19 | high | not present | |
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Entyloma oryzae Leaf Smut of rice |
disease | fungus | 8 | 13 | low | not present | |
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Pestivirus CSFV strain Brescia Classical swine fever virus (strain Brescia) |
disease | virus | 16 | 20 | high | not present | |
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Candidatus Liberibacter sp. Huanglongbing Disease of Citrus |
disease | bacterium | 18 | 17 | high | not present | |
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Potyvirus ppv Plum Pox Virus |
disease | virus | 18 | 15 | medium | not present | |
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Tilletia (neovossia) indica Karnal bunt |
disease | fungus | 12 | 13 | medium | limited | |
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Begomovirus (GEM2) Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus |
disease | virus | 16 | 11 | medium | limited | |
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Xanthomonas anoxopodis pv. citri Citrus Canker |
disease | bacterium | 18 | 18 | high | not present | |
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Ceratocystis fagacearum Oak wilt |
disease | fungus | 17 | 18 | high | not present | |
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Raffaelea lauricola Laurel Wilt Disease |
disease | fungus | 22 | 13 | high | not present | |
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Bunyavirus (TZSV) Tomato zonate spot virus (TZSV) |
disease | virus | 15 | 14 | high | not present | |
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Dickeya solani Black leg disease of potato |
disease | bacterium | 18 | 14 | high | not present | |
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Unknown pathogenic virus or prion 2 Chronic Wasting Disease (Cervids) |
disease | unknown | 19 | 14 | medium | not present | |
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Geomyces sp. White-Nose Syndrome of bats |
disease | fungus | 18 | 3 | high | not present | |
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Mycobacterium bovis Bovine tuberculosis |
disease | bacterium | 12 | 21 | medium | limited | |
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Myxobolus (Lentospora) cerebralis Protozoic Whirling disease |
disease | parasitic animal | 15 | 16 | high | limited | |
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Orbivirus btv Bluetongue |
disease | virus | 13 | 13 | medium | limited | |
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Xylella fastidiosa CVC Citrus/Select Agent (citrus variegated chlorosis strain) |
disease | bacterium | 17 | 17 | high | not present | |
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Phakopsora pachyrhizi Asian soybean Rust |
disease | fungus | 14 | 15 | medium | not present | |
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Begomovirus (var.) Begomovirus-caused diseases |
disease | virus | 19 | 11 | low | limited | |
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Xylophilus ampelinus (Xanthomonas ampelina) Grapevine Bacterial Blight |
disease | bacterium | 10 | 14 | medium | not present | |
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Begomovirus (ToTV) Tomato Torrado Virus (ToTV) |
disease | virus | 17 | 16 | medium | not present |